PC.~Ll€‘j ‘Aciwscu. J Stpr-‘S', “23+ COLLIE nos 1m,- 3616ij Vicioust attacking his owner‘s Iwu» young children aged two and three yrars, the collie dog owned. by Mr. ,uvorgc Zcigler, whn resides on the D. McKay farm. 4th can. Eiderslie, on 'l‘uusday afternaon last came very “car In killing in 1:3“ on: of the rounguurs btiorc his 5 Ag: onslaught ‘A’Js halted by th: 10(5' mother. who, with considurablc courage, drove the} jlilvt‘l‘ii‘l}: cur off his viciirns and car~ a mum to salary in Lflu housu A5 ‘ was. :llb eldest child was iblx ‘l- u down (h: sid: and hips. as Mt.†a; m the legs by the sharp fangs of the’ annual. and il. required ovzr thirty: v, zrgical stichcs to close all the wounds. if": younger chili] escaped with only, nJllOl' rut: and bruises. iron) thu dog's .iuth. Th: Zuiglcr collie, according to his" ncr, had bttn a mudui farm flag, m.liougiw, from [lit time they obtained him, ' c children had bccn unable to" make friends will: him. However, he [ml never at any liml: thraatcnd {114:4 suicly m‘ the childrcn. or he woultr’ haw: bur-n disposed nf immediately. > On 'l'u-iday Mr, Zuiglcr stand aâ€" Hvuy in h car :0 driw in Southampton m: lmsinu The two tiny children were feeling somewhat disappci ed at not henr: pL-rmitzul to go wii'n :ncir daddy In the car. and to take their minds of! this. Mrs. Zcig-ler suggested that they all go tr; rho ham to gather Elm eggs. As the children toddler} a- lmig- Llie eldest Swung her little arm ioward [he collie, who “as (rotting: along nearby, and in a flash tht dag hm] :aclrlcr] the two youngsttrs. V‘Jith ' horrihiu snarlimz Etlacl‘: [11: dog :kcd clown Eilc youngcr baby. and , mailing: it angrily wh-n Mni dashed m [bu ' 1:: Sim mil :lm prostralr kidzli oii the: . d and ran to Lhc huusu, but as .urnurl her "xck lhu L105: l Vivi {lurch ujlrl buy. in H" :hm't 3mm, seconta wlnrn it 7. 'ulcr lc- mmc running to ‘ lhu child's lL‘HS, hip and back ' ‘- rm and mangled by the ' l: of [he lliDDd‘ \'.’ltl’i a stick the u nl'l lllc iniurialed nl: \u :hc barr, to no i l Dhmu: in th: X;- l’ terrified mcthcr u tlli: childrcn lock- lnmpcring with pain ‘. while - run several hun- 21‘. (hr.- iumc of M: Dan fur a "ncc_ Dr, R. J. ‘ aisley summoned, and rrival mm oiowing an cx» nun of tlic children's injurits, h: in Lin Ciro-r: of Paisley lo ns~ In rinsing the wounds. which :A 27ml many >tichcs to close. wag quite unaware.r of urrrd until his return in and needlcss to say, his [(3 destray the collie dog so lcrrilily maulcd his mm ill: :liilllruu are now dbing u: Tuesday, most of (h: rumored by 1):. Tucker.