4 » l 1 mi nny lnunllx anii minim ' ‘ Jean iHemstockiFeniun and Mr. 7 int» \klnncrs of [he Firmsicad improvemem 76 corn~ pc‘llllulii held in conjunction with (he iniernational Plowing Mann, uch announced al a dinnCl’ and dance last Widnt-ului {waning in [he Ripley Complex. m.» [up ï¬ve \unnen in the counly we - Class 1 - ( luruncc and Marion McGillivray, Arran Townshi Class 2 - (‘zirl and Carul Wiens. Greenock Township, Class 3'~ Rqull and Wanila Halliday, Elderslie Townshlp: Class 4 - John and Runskt‘ Ribbink, Kincardinc Township: and Class < Murle Hanidgc. Arm Township The t : clams in the Cmupclilion war: Class 1 - most lmprm‘cd urnlilund, Class 2 - most impmved home; Class 3 mmi aurauivc homestead. Class 4~ mini attractive home: rind Class 5 ~ mnsi alli'activc gateway The mum} \xinnrrs “ch judged from the Winners of each luli‘gi-r‘. lrum |hc cuuniy‘x Inwnships. Judging “as done by Mr Dick Gowdin and Gunrge Gear, Walkcrton MC for the (Hurling “ilk Mr Hum-y Davis and Mr. Burion Hodgins, Lhuil’l’llall ui‘ nu, inlprUVL'mL'i‘ii commiiiec, and his wife. pmcnmi il’lt‘ Inp “Infich ullh llleii’ prizes Tin \|lnnLr\ in il’lL ï¬isl {our Llasscs were presented with \Ilu'r m scnncs [run Sit-wan Sued» presumed by Andy AliTithli FIAG proscillcd by Jim Powers. Furmnsa Firc Il’slirunit 77L'\L'nlc(l b) All Brunlnn, lind Kincardinc (iinxtrniiiun proscnicdby Mr. FrL-d Tuul. Hcrh chkcnhal. ivn lichnli ii mu annl Blink, presented in rose huwl in the iunm r m I, lass 5. “iv [up lhn’c “mums in cach cairgnry from each iim'nxliip u. ErIK-c- Comm are as follows, iâ€"Liii-Ruii: (lassl I Kuilli and Allrt' WL-uden, ZAKcn .il’il lirscili' Frinn Him and 0mm McLaggan, Class 2 . l Mdunu- tinil Alive Dulix Z-Cliflord and Gcni MtCnmb; (I; l'R|i\\Cll and Wiiiiiln Hulliday. l-Harvcv and Reta llii s l»Bi|l :lnil Cnil Wniic, 1' ii. l'iwnulil‘ of llif,‘ iniii running 3 \Ii’ll\"i‘"l"‘ ill Rubi lhll'KL‘l" l ,inrl l'lm :~ liillilddY ihi-Iriumily t li-lll v I r l i lfllil lliiiw- on Juni- i2. 1 M77 H] thi- iii-ally i'mniiinnii‘y lizill Allr'n'lml ‘iy (ml numii-ui i l’inlll Mr mrl Mn Halling grim up in in: KL'ZKlyl Ulilmulllll' Ilnfl \‘Il‘lll nm- And .3 Jun ycam on l W gl'nom's iann in Sullivan Imvnsiiip Th0} liuughi mu acne-s un (unc'esmuil 7 in Eldi'mlie HH'CHSillp win-w [hey slill i-i-side u.- Halliriay is well knan ‘ ll‘li'miflllnllt ()niuno inr his llllCr' gel in and showing Reg (,‘lyrivsdule holsus He impuiie'ri qum: a nurnher Di (Yiydosdale horses {mm Snail-Ind. The) have a family of si'ven, James and John oi iniidon, Coniint- and Palncla (Mr: Bill KnesnE-riol‘ Vancomer, Russel of Elderslie, Jenn.CMrs-, .lnhn Burkr holder! ui ’i'hornhill and Francis uriianuver and eighl Grandchiidr ren. All U] the family and many {nends and relatives were present for the happy occasion Al seven o‘rlock the family entertained their parenls and [he Bridesmaid and Beslmari of 40 years ago. Fenton and Leslie Halliday and Mrs. Halliday to dinner al the Holiday inn, Owen Sound .érohfl gr Mmj mgr ‘, Fri ru‘, lï¬'7'7 A family dinner was held Sunday. April 17 at Barry Maci’herson's. Teeswaler, lo honour Mr and Mrs. John Friar on the occasion of their 40th Wedding Anniversary Attending beSides ihn happy couple were 7 Iheir son and [Wu daughters and l] families (i John and Margaret were pre- l senled wifli a coloured television by their family, Everyone wishes the happy couple hearty oongrnb ulatiuns and may you have many more years together, The gmum of 40 years ago recalls that it rained on the 17111 " and furlhree days after. it goes to 'i " ‘ prnve, John, the sun “shines Prior Gnlcm nuvndcd bv (hci Golem-Kraemer v i and Theresa Kracnicr were married 21 Mimi-n Ziun church. Wmcrlnu, on. May a, The uniei rveniiur ucddinq was iimilics.. and iiuiuodiaiclv follumng ilm were» , iliuuv, Pcicr and. Thmsn hislcl‘l an informal mcemiun. in. ihe THE BRUCE COUNTY INDEPENDENT PAKMtK, Farmstead winners announced ISTEAD ‘ .4; The top ï¬ve cunlesiams In the Farmstead impmvemeni 76 mmpellllnn are pictured with illzir prlus [allowing the unnounremenl of [he winners llsl Wednesday at Ihe Ripley Complex. Winners In the ï¬ve claw: from left to right In: Wednesday, June 29, 1977 'hursday. September 23. 1976--PAGE l Class 2 . Cu] md Cami Wiens; Ch]: 4 . Jnim ma Rennie, Ribhink; Class 5 . Marley Hnnhidge; Class 3 - Russell and Waniia Hailldny: rind cm: I . Gimme and Muiou‘ McGilIivmy. Sisters wed in double ceremon Pegelo-Black fellowship room iii ihc church. Peiemnd Theresa arc orescnrlv living in Waterloo Hui ibeir plans arc in spend (my years as CUSO vulunieels. They arr: “Nailing . T.“ ,, r , Mr. Gleaner wish to announce the forthcoming man-lags of their danghmr, Valeria Lynn in Wallace flame, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurvia. Cheday. The wedding take place at St. Mark‘s X929 at 4 win. McKinnon-Black t Carl and M†The families 0f Elsie Wilson of Owen Sound and _ Bruce Dan-iilrafi oi Chesley are pleased to annuunca the forthcoming marriage ‘ oi their parents. The wed- dh‘ig will take place on Friday. lnly 20, 1979 at 7:!!! ‘ all of will cunï¬rmniiunmn incinnnulicaiiun Lumen“ chm-Eh an )1 . in the Chesiey United in nhunlnreésnv leaching nosiiiun slhlrdny mums; um. i Emil-ch. nu" I T ni n . ' g ,7 N r. r rm