'9 E}. i I. By Jim Merriem o say the Paisley dykes were ottlclally opened Monday ttemoon would not be totally correct. As one speaker 'nted. you can get more than you bargained tor when you Z'apen" dykes. V . But the orllclei completion or the maior seven-year dyk- ngproiect In the village was marked at a ceremony in the Ieley Community Centre. The ceremony had been edreduted forlspet along the dykes. but poor weather con- ltlons forced officials at the organizing Saugeen Valley _ Nation Authority to move it Inside. The project is really not quite complete, with one lIap ate still to be Installed and some site restoration and land- ;scaplng set tor next year. But the system has been pro- viding protectlon Ier some parts or the community tor more than two years. Oneol the drivlng forces behind the dyking project, John Bryce oi Elderslie Township. past chairman and a veteran member at the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, briefly outlined the llocdlng problems In Paisley. He traced it to the first pioneers. who picked the Junctions oi the augecn and Teeaweter Rivers and WIIIow Creek In the ’ Illage as the site torthelrtllst settlement. That was In 185! no as early as 1858 a major llood was reported In a Town 0 newspaper that told of water flowing "over the counter In ome stores". ML Bryce also said that long-time residents ot Paisley found a year unusual It they didn't have trouble wllh the river. But it was the most recent maior "00d, In 1977. that ' oat remember tor Its serious damage to homes and uelneesee In Peleley.That Ie the one that really provided he Impetus lor the current dyklng project. Moet speekere at Monday's ceremony mentioned the lm- ‘portence ol cooperation In getting the preiect completed. A peeeege In the otllclel program summed up this Ieeture by saying: “Without the contributions at the Ontario Government, the Village of Paisley, the Township 0' Elderelle and the communities‘ residents during each huge. the construction of such an eittenslve system ol tlood control dykea would not have been possible. For their patience and support. new opportunltlee are once again be- ing presented... the beginnings at a new chapter." The statistics eurroundlng the dyklng project are Impressive to pay the ieeet. A total at 3km ol dykee hee been Installed, costing close to $3 million total. with 35 per cent oi that be no paid by the provincial government. Paisley paid the ma» ority oi the balance. with Eiderlle Township also con- rIbutIng. as some of the dykee extend past the boundaries at the village, One example of the scope ol the project ccmee lrom the loci that a total at 30,000 truck loads or clay were brought In to build the dykest Keri Wilken, chairman ol the SVCA aeeured those prer pent that the authority did not engineer the eucceselul ‘teetlng oi the dykee Sept. I3. when eeven Inches or rain tell In the watershed In the space at 38 home He Introduced Rev. William McCeIg ol Paisley United Church, who eaid he was present "on behalt oi the talks who organized the Sept. I3 teat". He spoke of the Importance of water to humans and uttered a prayer at dedication. Guest speaker at the event was Ontario Natural Resources Minister Vince Kerrio. He called the dyking an "Impreeelve piece or work. and more extensive than I had viauellzedâ€. He noted that the dykee will protect structure: end pro petty with an estimated value at 37 million, That Includes over 550 reeldente and 200 buildings. he said. Fraielnp the local munlclplllllee and people Involved In All "I stator min ~mmr-m41iitiwv I nuts: or MISLEI ' ‘ III Iii! IIIIIISIIIP OI' ELDERSLIE ll :o-arrtlllll llnll ‘ Iiii.’ PRIJVIIttE 05' ONTARIO » The official completion of Paisley's llood con» trol proiect was observed, Monday. Among the speakers were John Bryce. below. a major force behind the project. and Ontario Minister of Natural Resources. Vince Kerrio, below right. Jim Merriam Photos