‘Ige I). The Persia \dmnte. Wednesda), Mnn‘ll 25, I987 l Bruce County Junior Farmers held their annual banquet and dance. Miss Bruce County Junior Farmer for 1987 IS Marilyn McGiIiivray, daughter oi Jim and Jacqueline McGiIlivray. of RR 4, Paisley. and a member of the Port Elgin club. She was crowned Saturday night at the annual banquet and dance for the County Junior Farmers. Competing in l the Queen contest were. left to right, Lisa Kuenzig, Teeswater: Kim Brisbane, Port Elgin: Cathy Dow, Teeswatet‘, Marilyn McGiIiivray, Port i Saturday night, at the Chesley Community Centre. Glen Cumming, Paisley, received the Richard Driedger Memorial award for the Juniorr‘ Farmer showing the most enthusiasm participation and sportsmanship ‘ James Davey, Paisley, won the Junior Farmer of the Year award; Diane ‘ McCormick, Teeswater, past president, and Allan Pennington, ‘ Teeswater, incoming president, and Paul Ribey, who accepted the Club ‘ of the Year award on behalf of the Port Elgin club. Mary Golem photo ‘ Gilles Hill W I. Gillies HiliW,I.maiatine nles tor Friendship and Elgin. Julie Stanley, Ripley: and Dale McFarlan, Teeswater. Sitting is last i year's Queen Shelley Lynn Cumming, of Dnhbinton. a member of the l Port Elgin Junior Farmers, Page a. The Chislay Enterprist, Wednesday, January 14, 19:7 Consumer trends topic of week The tact that consumer eating trends are becoming 'riore and more important in 'ne tarmth community was emphasized at the Grey~ Bruce Farmers' Week held at the Chpsley Community Centre all last week One restaurant operator 'rom walkerton. Date Scnmaiz :ompared :l’anges in lood servrce and larrning “(our ousrness tor years was been meat and potatoes and so have most res'auranteurs ‘ But restaurants today inle ligure out what new lood his are ‘rends and what a s -,usi ‘ads he said An advertis rig account Eretullve told the ialmers iha consumers are now lQllD‘Mflg a trend 'owards i i square meals, more it: loads and eating out more alien all Ol which at» iecl the agricultural com- rriUi'iiiy One or the main Victims or the Current meat milkelil’ig emphasis on ean. light and white. has seen nee‘, lhe mainstay oi the agiiculiural industry in Bruce County. Beet producers are righting back by producing Marv Golem photo 3 Part of the crowd at Farmers' Week. heel that is leaner today that It was 10 years ago. Also, Canadian peel tends to be leaner than that pro- duced in the Untied States, according to a home economist rviih the Cana- dian Catilemen's Associa- lion, Carolyn Macdonnell, The association IS telling the story ot beets new look through specially advertisi ing ior health professionals: and government oilictals. l A new beet cookbook ap- proved by the Canadian Heart Foundation was‘ published this 'all Less tat- Orl meat cuts, smaller paCKageS or meat and prepared heel are all part or the Industry‘s reaction to current markets. A Quasar; retail chain doubled its Sales 0| Sirloin steak by cutting the steaks in halt Deidre packaging them, MS Macdonnell said. income trends have reduced the significance at the Canadian middle class, she said. It's causing a fragmentation oi the mass market since incomes have polarized to the point where Mary Golem photo V 20 per cent at the popula‘ tion now receives 52 per- cent or the income. In addition, smaller tamilies and more workian households mean less time for load preparation. That places great emphasis on packaged convenience load and restaurant meals. Elderslie Council Chambers ior their March meeting when Mrs. Doris Swalger was guest speaker, show- ing a video produced by the Concerned Farm Women. showing hooks produced and spoke at her ex- periences In her work. Mrs. Snider read the scripture and a poem. A geography contest was won by Mrs, Denny. Roll call was answered with very interesting iacls 0n counties in Ontario with an Industry or noteworthy item told. Aiter the usual opening exercises. the business was conducted by Mrs. G. Legge. Donations were ap- proved ier Chasley and Paisley Fair Boards. Pen- Bruce County Museum. Mrs. J. Denny and Mrs. G: Keith are leaders for the Sri Course on Food. There will he a Safety Seminar. March 30. irom 9-4230. The contact person ls Keith Weedenl Agricultural Fair will be lit Chesiey on April 7 and B and help was volunteered ior several displays. Mrs. E. Black gave in report at the District Dirac tors meeling which will be nerd May 28 al Columbus Hail, Walkerton. Tickets [or the quilt draw were given out. J Mrs. Waiter Nicoli gav the current events and a bulletin was read lrom Mrs. Margaret Munro, Provincial President, updating prov|n~ clal business. 1 v A V season as“; 6’ no Annaannaannmnnnnnnmoé‘