A move In town will enable B & L Farm Semces to expand lhelr :arm Supply business Arrer lour years Al men A trip to the UK Susan MacKinnon, Junior Farmer for seven years, will be spending three months travelling through England, Ireland and Scotland in the Junior Farmem' Exchange Program. this summer. Continued lrom Page 1 Velerlnarv Medlclne She Will he studylng at the Local Junior l Elderslle Township loca- non, e l; L Opened a new rerall business on Chesley's Main Sheet Monday morn- mg (m we lormer Hatten Unlverslly oi Guelph lor an addlllundl three years. Susan said lhal She Is Farmer wins trip r By Robin melall Junlor Famler member Susan MacKlnnon ol Elderslle Township wlll be Spendlng three months In the Unlted Kingdom: ona monrh In each ol England. Scotland, and Ireland. Three other Junlor Farmers will be rravalling will! her. Flob Farr rell oi Ripley, Paul Narlr oi Penh County. and Russ Fish oi Holton County These lour sludanrs won the trip through the Junlor Farmere' Exchange Program. They were re qulred to llll out an appllca tlan, present a llve mlnuto slide show about Agriculture In Junlor Farmers, and attend lhle lntervlews with three peopl who sponsor the trlp (OMAF. and Junlor Farmersl. They were asked quesllons regarding agricultural Issues, thelr general knowledge ml the UK. and Canada, as well as how they would handle cel- Ialn slluatlons they may on- counter overseas - ll they were chosen to 90. Susan MacKlnnon had [men a member ol the Junior Fermels' Club lor seven years » laur years In Paisley, and the rem-Inlnn three at Guelph Unlvmlty. where she is majoring in Conllnuld on Page 5 r Hardware showroom loca- tion). According m co-awner, Bob Johnson, in addltinn In the Company‘s line oi (arm very excited about the trip. She departs on June 5, which wlll be her llrst airplane trip. it will also be her llret lime out of Canada, The Exchange Program ls hosted by the Young Farmers' Assoclatlon In the UK Whlle Susan and her companions tour the coun trles, and help our on has larms. six students from the UK will be here ln Canedd doing the same thing Congralulatlons lo nu local Junlor Farmar‘ Suser MacKInnun lor wlnnlng lhl fabulous trlp, and good luc to her thls summer as sh undergoes an experience a a Ilferlme. B&L moves to Chésle supply products. a s L will now be carryan a complete line or dog lood (Purina‘ Master Feeds and Shul Galn), work clnthzs‘ in- cluding jeans. cowboy shlns. boots and gloves and also hardware supplies. "It Will take us about a manrh In declde what stock we wil‘carry,"Johnson and ed We‘re open to sugges- tions nl what customers wï¬ntmly. Jul-my 27. me.) would like to see available So lar, there seems to be a lal of Interest" In andltlon to the larm retail business. 3 & L will sell larm fresh eggs. cheese, Pop Shoppe beverages and starting February 1. will be taking over the beer bottle return business lrom Leanda Stln‘ son. Empties will be ac- cepted at the rear ol the “l l store. co-owner Leonard‘ Calhoun said. The Ministry or Transparâ€" ration and Communications license ofï¬ce will remain in its location with Leonard’s wife, Eloise. operating it‘ el- lective February 1 e e L also handles high power [and g and will Del Ontarle distrlbutors to other! larm dealer: lor Pel Electric l Conunqu on Page 4 l Leonard Calhoun and Dennis Wagner, of B&L Farm Service, which opened “'5 new location on Chesley's main street Monday Morning. l (Mary Galen) photo) E§§§§§ 1.! llEIIUUIUCIQQCDCQQQEFQQQEE l l til