l4-H Achieyéfnent Night 4-H Club held thelr achievement nlght and potluck supper at Palsley Communlty Centre wlth Paisley Fall Presldent. Lloyd Brown. as chairman Brlan McKinrlon spoke about hls week In Ottawa, He was chosen try Paisley Holary A1987 Adventure and lCitIzenshlp program. ‘ Breta Ball. from OMAF. presented the awards. Paisley Beet Club - 1st place - Rosanne Calhoun. 856 points. recelved Royal IBank. Paisley. award and also the Port Elglrl Co-op her it tor Grand Champion Ste : Calt. Margle Fennel - lEln'twood Livestock trophy ltor Grand Champion Heller Call, Dean Ribey - Carglll Auction trophy tor hlghest aggregate score. Junlor. ‘Jett Faust - Bruce Packers trophy for Top Junior Sh'owpersorl. Rosanne .Calhoun and Dean Ribey ‘90an to the Royal Wlnter Fair. Donelda McGilllvray ‘recelvad an award tor tlve years as a leader. l Palsley Dalryctub - Karen lFenton - topped the club ‘and recelved the Alvin Davey ll Sons Ltd. trophy. lSandra Caldwell - hlghest ‘aggregate score, trophy: Ken and Shella Jones and famlly. Karen Fenton - highest score In the club. trophy: Henry Pope and ‘tamltyl Susan Caldwell » hlghest score llrst year member. trophy: Barry and Diane Ftlbey. Sandra Caldwell - showperson. trophy: Jlm Irwin and tami- Ivl Legge Farms in Elderslie Township hosted Palsley Grain Club ~ Margle Fenner - highest score. trophy: New Llla Mills. Dale Alexander - se- cond hlghesl score. trophy: Crop Insurance. Revis and Elll MaoKay. Palslety Swine Club - John Thorntlurn ~ hlghest score. trophy: Bruce County Pork Producers. Rob McDougal - best set at records, trophy- Kelth and Allce Weeden. Dan Ruddell - hlghesl score. lilst year member. trophy: Alex and Velma Thornburn. Roland Weddlg 7 top Junlor another Pioneer Super Expo. last week. Accur‘ ding to Doug Legge. a sales representative for Pioneer Seeds. about 350 people attended the snowmansnlp. trophy: Alex and Velma Thornbum. Sanr dra Thornburn - best market pig. trophy: Canadian lm perial Bank at Commerce. Port Elgin. Each member received a Royal Bank hat lrom The Royal Bank at Canada. Paisley and a gill celtlllcate lrom Port Elgin Coop. Pon Elgin Farm Saler - each at the 12 members received a trophy or the Bruce County Farm Selety. Keith and Alice Weeden. Trevor Angel Athlete of the Week 'Atte' you have refereed la tew games when you go back to playing. yuu don't get on the rat's dek as much about lhlllg> When you relelee, you wani to on everythlng as talrly as possibly It 5 a hard enough too to do Wllhoul the has Sle ol havlng sulrlebody yell at you " That comment comes lrorn Trevor Angel. 17. 0‘ ‘Tara who is this week's athlete ol the week Besrdes partlctpallng in ‘a number or school sporls at the Cllesley DlSll‘ICt ngrt event. which included plot tours and lunch Farmers were given an opportunity to learn more about the existing. as well as new,product lines. Sclluol including soCCeV volleyball Dadmtrlon a : ba,ketball Trevor helps :- teleree basketball games at lllr hlgn schm‘ arc ml volleyball games a l uuUllC school Last year lrE/ll replese'ttea on H s W he running long luma :«Jmpi-l‘ llorl at the ZWUSaA [lack and Held event Now In grade 12. Trevor who aumlls he ’loves the CUIGOOVS ls plarrtlhg lc at- ien: 5n Santa-o College in Lindsay to study Natural Resources management n