7‘ 16 Black smoixtz darkens the noon sky Friday over Khaï¬i. Saudi Arabia. near the Kuwaiti border as huge Fires from burining Kuwaiti oil facilities Heavy smoke fills sky as Kuwait oil wells burn By MIKE TRICKEY Southam News RIYADH, Saudi Arabia â€" More than 15 per cent of Kuwtiit’s oil ï¬elds are belching thick black <niotri as a result of lrnq‘s new “sronï¬hnd earth“ policy. according to ll military mparis, Marine Brig.»Gon. Richard Neal said Friday 145 of Kuwait's 950 oil wells are burning. two-thirds of them torched since Thursday night. Meanwhile. in an ugly reminder of the Vietnam War. the US. Marines admittud they are usin napalm on petroleum-filing trenches that lraq has erected as barriers in Kuwait. Central Command spokesmen said napalm is being used only to ignite the oil-Filled ditches and will not be used against people as it was in Vietnam. Confirming President George War in the gulf â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-i Black day lraqi president Bush's charge Friday that iraq is trying to destroy Kuwait's oil pro- duction system. Neal said at least 100 Kuwaiti oil wells had been set on fire in the last day. Another 40 to 50 wells are said to have been burning intermittently since the war began. "i wouldn't even dare speculate on what his [Saddam Hussein‘s) motivation is for the destruction of the Kuwaiti oil Fields." said Neal. “There now seems to he an or- chestrated. systematic destruction of the oil-producing capability of Kuwait â€" much more than what we had before. and unfortunatel . probably what we thought mig t occur if in fact he felt really threatened and may have been an- tcrlaining ideas of withdrawal.“ Kuwait's govm’nmenbin-cxile in Taii.Saudi Armin had no comment on tho burning till wells or Bush's ultimatum giving irziq until noon ~ in... A... obliterate the sun. U. S. President George Bush says scorched earth policy. AP photo Saddam Hussein is executing a today to pull out of Kuwait. Neal said the heavy smoke was not affecting air operations. which_ included 1,000 flights over Kuwait Friday. However. British spokes- men said their pilots were some-l what hampered by the oily smoke. Neal. who has been one of the least hawkish military spokesmen on the question of a ground war. said again Friday that even one wounded soldier is too many, but . made clear U.S. forces are ready to execute any action ordered by Bush. And he warned Iraq that the aer- ial bombardment of its country. which has included about 2,700 sortles a day, is a small portion at what can be delivered by coalition forces. "That was just the tip of the ice- herg.“ if ord'éi‘ 5“ flying will cost jbbs .l KITCHENER. om. (or) â€" l .Cross-horder shopping will drain 2:3 billion and at least 14,000 ‘ Jobs from the Ontario economy this you. twice as much as pre 'viously estimated, a study for the provincial Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology suggests. A telephone survey of 2,170 Ontario residents. conducted in seven border cities and {our nou- border cities. asked how oï¬en they had shopped in the United States in April, what they bought and how much they spent. it found cross-border shop ing could have twice the $1-hilllon impact the NDP government pre- viously estimated would be drained from the provincial I economy this year if shoppers * continued to Hack to the 11.8. to ghuy cheaper gas, food and ‘ I _ clothes. Data collected from the border . cities showed 31 or cent of re .spondents had shopped in the ‘ US. in April. spending an avor- _‘ 1 ago .535 a trip. ‘ ‘ BRADSHAWâ€"Mrs. Nellie; at the County of Bruce General Hospital, Walkenon on Monthly. February 25th, 1991. Nellie (Trowbridga) Bradshaw oi Brucelaa Haven. Walkarton in her Beth year. Beloved mother at Williard Brad» i shaw and his wile Bavaria at Langley, ‘ 8.0.. Lennardand his wie Doreen ol Guelph, Allan and his wife Eleanor oi FlFl2 Walkerton. Maria Kenney at Huron Park, Ontario. Muriel and her husband Fred Trawsdata oi Lindsay. Also sur» vived by nineteen grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren, daughter-in- Iaw_ Margaret Bradshaw oi Toronto ‘and a Sislflf Basso (Mrs. Cliflord Hanan) oi Owen Sound Fredeoeased by her hus- band James Bradshaw. son Lloyd and son-Irile John Kennayt There will be no luneiai horns visitation.‘ Interment Woodiawn cemetery, Guelph. A memo- nal sewing will be held at the Kingdom Hall al Jehovah's Vintnessas on Satur- day, March 2nd. at 2:00pm, Memorial donations to the Assembly Hall of Jahov vah's Mai-asses Halion Hills would be appreciated, Mighton Funeral Home. 123 10th Street, Hanover assisted with the arrangements MOSCOW â€" SovietAPt-esident ' Mikhail Gorbachev was over thrown today in a bloodless pre- Tdawn cou by hardlina Com- munists bacied by the army. ‘ The country’s new leadership.‘ headed by former vice-president Gennady Yanayev. immediately deâ€" , , clared a six-month state of emer‘. gency "in some parts of the Soviet 1 Union." It pledged to take "the most decl- slve measures to prevent the country from sliding into a national catastrophe." 1 A spokesman for Russian Federa- tion President Boris Yeltsin said Gorbachev is under arrest at his va- ‘ cation home in the Crimea. There was no immediate conï¬r- mation of that report.