9910M. LEO CHAPUI‘, manager of the lerew Cockburn and Archer store, pre- sents Reid Hamilton at the Glasgow senior softlnll team with the Cockburn and Archer Trophy for winning the McNab softball mumammt at Bumstown last Saturday as he also congratulates captain Ron Schultz on the right. Members of the winning team which ddeated Sandy Hook 8 ml in the *3 flnal game are, from lat to rlgnt, Terry Schubrlnk, Bob Cherry, Terry Bandy, Wayne Mr. Chaput, Hamilton F raz er, Steve Michelson, kneeling, Gary Riopellc, Reid Hamilton, Eric McKay, kneeling, Ron Schultz, Jamie Mitchell and Kevin (la; "7 I; '/ 17 mag emmsul guewom moï¬sels