Glasgow Women's Institute Book 4 ». a) Happy 60tï¬ ï¬‚nniversmy Tï¬e {Federated rWomen 's Institutes of Ontario congratuflztes Glasgow rWomen ’5 Institute on tï¬e occasion of your 60t/i flnniversary. ghsgow’s commitment to tï¬e oEjectives qf‘WI 6eneï¬ts Eotï¬ women antf tï¬eir families. Continued community invofvement improves everyone ’3 quafity oflife. Keep up tï¬e tuflqfecfucating women anJaJvocating tï¬eir concerns. TWIO appllzudk gflugow on your 60t/i flnniversaoz. jg ‘\_ tj'g ‘J'x H K) ‘\_ 31 of66 45