Long-tlme hero loan Brown. rlgllt, eceepte a 25year eervlce award on behalf of her late huehand, Gard Brown from deputy flre Chlel Rob Dodge, left, and ï¬re Chlel Glen Styles of the McNab-Braeelde Flre Depart- ment. Before he passed away earller thle year. Brown had been a l'lreflflfler for 25 years. Aha/09 Photo by VALERIE MtLAUGHL/N Stewart recelves plaque from Sweet Outgolng Holden-Brae- elde Mayor Nell Stewart (lel‘l) reeelved a thank- you plaque lrorn Ren~ lrew GounlyWarden Bob Sweet at leet week’s Renlrew County eouncll meetlng. The atherthree eounelllon not return- lng are Isobel Krletllen 0! ï¬nale! Madmen. Blll Oroehew 0' Head. Clara I: Marla, and Ted Strike of Amprlor. The Ineerlplion read: Thank you tor your hard work and dedleetlon on Ren- lrew county counell.