S S No 7 Kinloss School "‘ A frame schoolhouse was huilt at the corner of concession 2 and the "Gravel Boad" during lq7h. rhe first teacher was hess Jorrison who received a salary of @230.00. During the winter months all the men of the community along with young boys and girls attended. Some days over 100 received lessons in reading and writing, and arithmetic. Bhe students sat on benches until 1990 when #0 new desks were purchased for $19H.OO. A new floor was put in the school house also. The wood shed was built in 1V9H for 9H7.00. 1n 1909 Jacu Jatson contracted to replace the one brick wall and also replaster the outside of the trick. The school house was first heated by box stoves and later a huge round furnace was placed in the northâ€"west corner, near what we called the back of the school; as many as 16 cords of hardwood were turned in it each year; and our ink bottles many times were frozen solid in our desks. (ur school lunches wrapped in newspaper would often freeze left in the antiâ€"room and Dorothy lbcDougall took a wire toaster to school and we all tOOL turns toasting our sandwiches. The well was drilled in 1931 and an artesan well has flowed ever since as everyone called it the overflowing hell. Inside toilets were installed at the same time necessitating the removal of the 2 outhouses which were built on the edge of the creee which flowed near the south fence. Lany caretacers were hired over the years receiving salaries fro; @12.00 to L70.0i per annun. the assessment ranged_1ron wlh57597.00 in 1777 to n2h3,009.90 in 1050, when several farms were changed.to assessment in EUCLUON Futlic Echcrl. A piano was purchased in 19H? and the :usic teachers were ï¬rs Cyril Brown, Lillian Ostorne, Marion .acDonald, end Donalda Scott. Ihe school was wired for electricity ir 10h7 with iodEIn ceiling and tlackâ€" loard lights ins.alled. Lhe secretary rrensarers were sinwe lQFktdchn Walker, {ugh Yacicy, 10d Gollan, “lex uollan, ï¬le: itcleod, and -van “titm Eone of the teachers HFIE: Jrnn Iod;ins, Au. 'uston, A. F'ith, 4. iddletcn, 'eclean, 5ndrew A. lruir, Dave Lennie, J. Iuccett, “in; “IJCE, I. cu“rin{, nacnenzie, nnn lynetan, L- .. hacLol, Iary Fir“thde1, Anrie ‘achenrie, rauce . » y a , 7 t ' r" 7 ~ ‘. garter, mete lold, Anflé ardf, has [ll L11], n. t. id, , . r. Jr E‘VOL, r , . e. I, 7 , ‘ ‘e, ’ 7 p}.r,f ‘rï¬ beddes, .uLn Helillcn, 11?.1mn nlmFIJOIL, err} “ALOI, VJLt .~(.L4Ifll ’ ' ‘ A » t r: t L ‘-'t 3 Volltta .i::ir, H LCY nCl: x, vénllt FC‘AL'lW, I'l: L C; re, ,1, la,1 m lefty ituilicn, Ll? hrwte Joanaorr, Hedl._ “lilo, John P. muse, orntny ll.hn,