V3« 527 5. George Iraser â€" born in East Hissourri lq7l died 1963 married 1q96 Katherine Gollan -born in Kinloss Twp. 6.Mary Fraser p born in hast Nissouri lq73 married 189R deard Pierce - born in Kinloss Twp. 7. Johanna Fraser - Born in East Nissouri 1875 married 1298 William Pierce - born in Kinloss Twp. died 1899 (age 23) 5- Wilhelmenia Eraser (Lena) - born in E. Hissouri 1977 not married died 1900 9. John Fraser - torn in Kinloss Twp. January lQRO married Margaret Middleton 10. Laurettï¬ Eraser - horn in Kinloss Twp qu3 Verna, Fraser, married 3516;.j 3 / 9a 3_ Laura, Robert hotert Snelgrove - Lucknow - ML] "731 , married again 'l9 #1 ? - Detroit 11. Ldna Iraser - born in hinloss Twp 1q96 loward, Lena, married January 1905 Charles, Elizabeth, George :mul my um- Tynflal Lohinson - born in ninloss Twp died 1936 Mr and “Is Tyndal hotinson taught the farm in 19?0. The hotinson family lived there till 19h3. This farm was dividefl l.fl. of f.‘u of lot 11 and a house tuilt on L.H. This was tecen over ty Thomas White. In 10%? N.d. of l.d. of lot 11 wï¬s sold to Sam Chadwick of windsor. Ar. and Hrs. Chemwick one son John and daughter Phyllis liveï¬ here till 105%. during that time, Phyllis was married to Lev. Jack [Iiflal of Lstevun, Task. in July 1%2 In 1953, John anfl his mother went to Lngland to live. John merriefl nn lnrlish girl- This propcrty was sold to Mr amd Hrs. Llliott Cï¬rruthers in March lQFH. fhey have sucressfull y carried on a LODVHlESCEHt Lursing dome. lrs. Carruthers was the former Grace Foyd of I Leidr Lorntrr. they hvvc H chilflren- thren, Hory and twin tcys .oyfl and .lnine. In 1062 VDL\\“ the wonulfl .lue hone .hop in Lipley. Hrs. (mrruthlls and chilflxen have liveé there. LiliULt has operated furm rnï¬ lome under the cnpatle monngeneht of drs. hott. Cturrt consiflerat]; ‘ ,l r , .7. a. ..-1 ~nfl uLhEl hrlpcrs. mi h"? sevelbl race o1:e: tnvt h-Ve won honourl And m4: luhLV on the Lrwck. ht pre:ent, Jannnry 1006, they Hth lh pwtians lo care ior.