“a! Lot 10 em. 6 V3" 32 Dr. Hugh noun-n, netzve or Rune" Twp“ Bruce 60., died suddenly, April 1970 in break. with burn]. in the Mnhnr'e plot in South union Cum" nee! Lucknow. A: e young 1nd he eteended 3.3.05. [lulu-e, then Lucknow flieh School. He hunt Icheol It 5.8.5 end M, then furthered hie edueetion by going to Knox College. lie beeue we" enthueieetie ebout lies-tom work in the 20'. end renew etudente eeneeted enough eenev to lend his to 1mm. vol-eon. !Ie bee-e been of the theologieel College and en eeeooiete founder of the leiwen Leprosy We: Aeeocletiou. He eerried Denelde Helntoeh of cond. Kinloel who um use e teecher end e greduete uuree. They were eerried in South ulna†Church in 1925 then left for the!!- nte work in Pom“ where they spent 38 veers, before retina; to their cuterio fen neu- Rornlne nus. Chen florid.wer I began he wee nttendlng e Vouth Conference with Chinese Ind Jepeneee etudente in neeterdee. He returned to Cenede end wee one of the eeet effective vetoe- Sn preventing I planned deportetion of Jepeneee born mane. fluent in both Jepeneee end Chinese he wee later sent to Huntington to prereee A111Id breeleeete to the Jepeneee. He wee called the enewer to Tokyo Rose - the best known of Jepen'e redio propagde voinee. After the eu- he wee in Chtue u e Red tron representative and eon-mend hieeelf look! to heve enceped tron shanghai e few hourl before the Communist take over. He returned to rum when both he and "re. «(241nm worked all 1963. On returning home he was honoured bv being appointed Hoderetor or the Presbvt'rian Church of Sound: in 196“. When on furlough 1n Cenede he wee an native orzenizer for the Student Chrietie. Hoveeent Ind subsequently on ï¬le archive. in Toronto. His wife Donnldn, daughter Ruth and son Ilex (Sandv) survive, also two brothers, Role HIeHillen of Lucknow and Dr. ï¬lnrence Hacflillen or Totonto.