Amalgamation am. A2,, /</;7 Lucknow, Kinloss agree on sharing administration by Pat Livingston Lucknow and Kinloss councils have agrccd in pnnci- pal to share administration (ofï¬ce) services. howewr. the logistics remain to be worked out. Th: decision moans thcre would be one clcrk-trcasurer maintaining two sets of books for two the two separate municipalJ» tics, Studies wrll LiliillnLle on the process of amalgama Lion and any tulure agreements. The two councils and Cicl’KS mct last Tuesday night to resume discussions on amalgamation. At this point. amalgamation of the two municipalities is not to be con- sidered as a done deal. The “Terms oi'Retcrcncc‘ for the amalgamation turn» inittec have Still not been approved. The document sets our guidelines for the amalgamation committee: tin: pur- pose composition of committee including the chair. the coordination team [reps from both councils) and its responsibilities, the costs, goals, objcctives and prOLC- dures of the committee. At the December meeting, both councils agreed to bring the documcnt to lhcir individual tables for approval. Some minor adjustmcnts wcrc made. The doc- urneni was still not adopted at last week's meeting. but investigation into amalgamation continues. Ktnloss councrllors Brian Wolfe and Gerald Mowbray continue to have conccmx With the Terms of Reference. "My interpretation of the dOCllmEi’li is that i[ IS the decreton of thc committce to proceed with amalgama- tionr" Wolfe Salli "My understanding [5 that we would r€\'lCW...:|nd then see if we would procacd..,to get mar- ried." Kinloss Deputy Reexe Leo Murray tried to explain that it has been tact ï¬nding until now Am’algamatiOn 5b /777 road; a bumpy one The road to amalgamating the municipalities oi Lucknow and Kinloss ls still under construcâ€" tion. Both councils are encountering major ‘pothoies’ in their attempt to construct a ‘newa-paved road' at the end at which will be a new municipality under one administration and one council. As the two councils. individually and iointly, travel the road. they are laced with coming up with the right decision lor the two municipali- ‘ ties and the ratepayers who have elected them to office. ‘Detours' are plenty as they strive to find a plan that will be effective, economical, fair and equitable for all residents and ratepayers, and yet continue to provide accountable and responsible local government. On top of that, the 10 councillors now have to contend with the province's mega bumps in the road and at this point not knowing exactly how that will filter down to the county and municipal levels. Major changes are coming tor all at us. This road to amalgamation will not be an easy process as concerns about ‘territorial' rights, equal representation and fairness for all are aired. The province has decreed amalgamations will take place. it is surely a wise decision tor these two councils to make the ‘trip' with a positive attitude, listening to the concerns of each other, weighing the pros and cons but all the time keeping an open mind. (PL) Important meeting on Kinloss amalgamation/912 Kinlos’s' asks" l/(Sé residents if i amalgamation talks should c ()PRJ) ‘ contlnuw by "hacey Doerr Kinloss Township council has been invcsti~‘ gating the idea of restruc- turing with the village of Lucknow, but before it gets into ihc process any deeper, it wants to know just how its ratepayers feel about amalgamation. About 60 residents attended a public mtcting that addressed the issuc last Wednesday evening in Kinloss Township, Council presented thc his- tory of the project. along with a list of pros and cons (see side bar) before open- ing thc floor for questions and comments. Councillor Gerald Doclmnn and dcputy-rceve Leo Murray wcrc appoint- ed. by Kinloss Townshi to a fact-finding Commllv it‘e nick-nunth lhc A- lcam, which is investigate ing the feasibility of restructuring with Lucknow. Councillors Rick McMurray and Paul Zinn represent Lucknow on the committee. ,‘ Amalgamating could i save $25,000 ' Through their efforts. tlic committee has deterr mtncd that sharing admin- Kinloss council is Kais- ing the question of amal‘ gamation to its ratepay. ers. Ratepayers Will have the opportunity tonight (chncstlay) to hem councd's presentation and pus: Lheir nwu L‘uC\liiln Severe cuts in ptoi‘lnr mt lumiing mate it nt‘c~ cssriry to rcducc c0515 it‘inint‘il has met with Kitinng says an by Pat L Klninsx litu'nslnp nnin in I\ not 5.1;;ng no it) Brurc tuiinty‘s I‘cslruciur- inn nrnpmni lllill with†are that iiiuiiitipality .inlulgntnach “Nil 1 iitknuw Kiiititldillt .inil lilk’ lthiHiIIIH in Kltltardiiiu Jill] llutntl Thu tniinty‘x prin snl \liilliti mt Unite il’tilit‘cd .nn nigh IlItIlIILllliilIiltit) Jim |,1lill| Thrrr dlt tnnt-niry (illltilllltlpdililtx n. in tinnny in .i lt‘icpllillit‘ llilL'l VIL‘\\ Millltlily nnnnnn; licliiity Rmr Len hiilll'tly «.ini lltcy l'.id (tin inn li'l'll» "‘t“. \vsri‘n't \ct» i'nil.iiwii Alllrll| hitliu Innith n. n. I. in ltru’l ugslim â€" Lucknow counCil over lhc past few months in investigate the feasibility of amalgamation in February, both taunt-in agreed in princi- pal to share administra- tion sen/ices. hut the logistics hanc not been worked out entirely The qucSllUl’l ul‘ amul- ganiaiim is a tough one Kincardinc“ said Murray "Ami tho ntlici iliing \v: writ: rcully LllJL‘hc iiiiiiinp xvii.» iI tin- tiiiiiity iliid lilc .lulhtiifly iii minim ihui iiiiigrani on in "nni right hunt I inn gut nit the phone trnm hitting in “{4le Jilllltc\|lll tlic tnnniy tit-rt. .nni In- cud yin inn ntnn llit‘ [iinnwi n innit ltll again at Liliilil) uniiiiil nn Tucstlly. 11 Hwy 5M ismt Iriplr lllilltllll}. ‘III l‘lt‘) iiiIVL' in: iiphi‘ tillti hiilild) “Aiiil ll \t)llltl.i\ as it iiii‘ niiinriit might in liLIi’ “ l‘lii‘ Illplt‘ nintnni n I ni. ninn il\ .I innuni} 'I‘lL iii _.iiiii\ tiniiiiil l ,ann innn llIi n..n.nn for council and they arc seeking inpul (torn you the residents, Make sure you attend tonight [Wednesday March 26 , 8 pm at the Klnloss lTllJl‘llLllehuiltiirig Picasc note the date and lll'i'lt‘ as the Sentinel inadvertently omitted this inliirmatiim from last week‘s Cid\’('i1i.\ClTleil oi the litcul munic’inStnn‘ niiinn the enmity, 1 nnnni-ipitnim supporting ilir prnpmal must iipir- wnl over 5|) pct cunt oi the ult'clllrs \vlihln iltr tullnly nine county inn 7: 7)L'iCLIUI istration (shared office staff wages, building and office costs), while remaining separate unti- ttes, could save the town- ship $l7r295 a year. Amatgamating the muni - palities (one-seven mem- ber council. one clerk, onc sci of books and shared budding costs) would see a 5;vings nfahout $24,740 it admiriiglLatinn, Official invite to join Lucknow, Kinloss ‘3‘â€? I i by Pat Livingston I t The councils of Lucknow and Kinloss are happy ‘with the county's second restructuring option that would see them amalgamated with Huron township only (See county story) However, the majority of both councils still favor joining with Ashï¬eld and West Wawanosh. At a meeting of Lucknow and iGnioss councillors last Tuesday. one afï¬rmative piece 0! action ï¬nally came about. A letter will be sent [uAshrlelCL West Wawanosh and Huron townships asking for cithcrAa ‘ycs or no reply in the question: 'arc you interested in an amalgamation of Lucknow, Kinloss, Huron. Ashficlti and West Wawanosh?’ ' The three councils will be asked to make their deci- sions at their own council tables, and advise Lucknow and Kinloss of their answer by Aug. 8. If the answers are yes, ajoint meeting ofall ï¬ve councils Will be held on Aug. ll. just one day prior to win-n Brucc county council will be presented with the proposals from the county‘s restructuring mmmincc