Groop’ï¬-yihg’to collécf 1 Dear editor: A group of concerned citizens met at the Kinloss Municipal Building a week or so ago and forme a committee to write a Kinloss History Book. Now with amalga- rrnation of Kinloss and Lucknow in the news. lthere may be a time when lthere no longer is a .Kinloss Township as we know it. Our history should be made available for future generations. Kinloss Township is a great place to live. as a result of a lot of hard work in pioneer times by a lot of hardworking earnest car- ing people. These stories should be recorded for Kinloss history elected an executive and applied for any grants available to help in pub- lishing such a book. We would appreciate anyone who would like to volunteer their time to help. We need photograâ€" phers, writers. people will- ing to research. old scrap hooks. pictures. stories etc. We hope the enthusi- asms of the group will spread throughout the community and ignite some people who are will- ing to help and get involved. Get your name on the list. Call either the township clerk or any of the committee members. / Erlma Holdenby Chairman, Kinloss l A proposal to transfer The Lucknow Legion Pipe Band Se? T- cost involved in havrng 3,. Ackert monument to be $7)? transferred to Kinloss Twp. 1977 by Raynard Ackert as :in historical tribute lo. posterity Th e group involved History Book Comflittee. .Kinloss cioï¬ï¬oï¬lioré appointed to bogggls Alter taking llie truth in animation ol allegiance ‘Lil the cc. l meeting. ‘Kinltiss council made ’Jfllrnillllliuliu in vaiiltus CklnlllllllCCS lind boards. Whitcchurch Hull btiurd reps Will be Crcrald Muirhiuy iinu Lrii Murray Gerald Dticllnali and Leo Murray will \il on tliejruiit recreation currimilicc. .irrd ,Julin Husk and Gerald Munbrin urll he reps tin th‘ lire britird Jim Boyle will all on tltc medical humid, \nd Husk will be [he illini rep tin Kinliiss tllid [irct‘lttick on the stunt-en Valley ciiiiiciuiiiiiin Atlllllll'lly Crititlcil d|)\.l|.\\ftl tltc [‘tihSlhllll'l’ til‘ lllt.‘ lalitlllll \Ilt.’ being lll‘ltfll tiiili c\i:ry A'lllcl Siilurdity liritit-tcr uprtcd itl lcirtc it as l.\ Iur "0W upcn uteri Sutuidui, Tllk‘ UPl’ l\\lll the le‘l’k int-it u lll Uiliiilltlt' willl ilit- K’iltl'lt.’ level til \t'rtlcc it.» t'tlrtt'iilly llrln‘ltlk‘tl. l\|lll u. no crintruut reqiilrrtl tiltis El’lcctive Jun. l. the inllrlit'iplllily will be pay- ing i‘ur pollclng under the "Win. nut-t wiiiit Panel ‘ Recent budding permits were issued riir .i limlst‘ tlddllltil’l. tired and two Jan the Ackert monument. .‘located on the north east corner at Holyrood. to Kinloss township owner- Ship. has been accepted by council in principal. Raynurd Ackerl made the proposal to council on the monument and land transferred into the municipality's name. and to pay $1.000 tor perpetu- oi cure, ‘ Ackerl's soltctlor will plrparc the agreement in; council's approval. the sawmlll and chopping mill that many years ago was located on the pinp- erty. formerly known as Hilniy Farms. Acken did‘ the stunt work himsell‘ and incorporated a mill i The WitltZl agreement with rctidciilk ill the hunt- let Ill Holyrtiud utplrc; be extended l'or another ycir as m . i e. in,“ The new Kinloss Township took the oath of allegiance at last week‘s meeting. Back row: Henry Clark, road superintendent was in atten- dance when Gerald Mowbray. Gerald Doelman and John Husk were sworn in as councillors. p Front row: Clerk Treasurer Mark Becker: Reeve Jim Boyle, and Deputy Reeve Leo Murray. Sept. | Tilc llglt‘t‘lncnt \\'l|l ‘In In n a llv ha agreed to pay the cil has approved the build- ll’tEltl OLL is In consider the amendment to the compre- hensive zoning bylaw The building of thc Mennonite school was deemed to conform with the general intent of the ofï¬cial plan and satisï¬ed the requireâ€" ments of the provincial policy alatcmcnl relating ‘to agriculture. ‘eii rt $30 nit fee. along lwitlt a building permit application. for any build- ing tiring elected on u lntlutit'x lllt: tign. punt. 15, The Ackcn lumr Kinloss township coun» the g of a school on part of is 2 and 3. concession 3. A public meeting was Council has implement- roperty which requires .1 etv adtlrmi number to be llocuied The cost The monument was stated on lllicorl’tt' ll't alApprove schoolbuilding city wzll be split evenly amongst those periplc buy- ing back sections. since the total amnunl is not a large one to begin with, The surveying ftes will be split evenly amongst those who require a surrry The firm of Wncehtcri Magwood VanDchverc will prepare the individual deeds at a eostuf SZSI each The committee mem- bers will be conlacted to review the paper work and begin the process of have ilidivtduals sign the pur- chase agreements Council ugrcetl to keep the p.lti::l of land from and installation costs by road department employees, A lanewny applmtion from John Hotlgiiis wui accepted. with the town- ship doing the work and supplying the corrugated metal pipe. and gravel. The mini superintendent wtll look into Culross Township sharing the costs at this driveway since it is located on the boundary Riili line property The ptlrtliusc Lost or lllt: abandoned CNR prop- saw and mill stone into ll’tt.’ nllUL'LLllts. if and Bruce County Road | in the stunt field and a building WhllL‘i‘hurth lUl lt‘ 9Lita}: Bill ’mé’e bylaw get? amended in Kinloss Kinlost ln\vll\lllp touri- or! has decrdcd to incorpo- rate the recovery cost all» lâ€"I property signs and labor in cret‘t Ilrcrii initi the [997 mill rate. Council had ï¬rst planned to do a separate billing but found out [but :ibuttrng munlL’l- polities wcrc dorrig lhc former. Herman Fischer uticndr ed the May 22 meeting to request an additional two loads of mines [or lill in a hole he dug on municipal rimtl tilliitttlnc‘c. tin Sidcroad 5. Council agreed to give hint the UH! loads l'rcc ol’ charge. Jrltl . I f i Council News Kinloss any further loads Will be billed .il .r tll\l of hit) cach James Stelllcr Wlll be pltld $1701'ur .i call killed liy \thi\:Tht: manure storage bylaw \vus discuswed briefly The clerk wrll con- lot! the tummy level In st-t- ii there has been much rcspnnxc for .l necd til \ucl‘t u h)l.i\\ mining ll’lL' LttUl’lU Council ugrccd to pro- ceed With a road malnte- nanct' liudgci ut‘ tzsnnlii und ti construction budget ltl $83.00†Thls wlll bi: incorporated min the UVCF ul] budget unLl bi: .ll‘mluhlc ltlr rcvicw it the lit-ti mcullnp A request for it) true garbage lrligs lug\ for churches \vrihliig the township was approved. il' rt-tiuettcd by the church Allhiiugli ltlll guldcr llnt‘) on the new lnll’d- structure Wtirl‘\ program htiic llLll JTTHL‘L. Lillil’lkd lcntairvclt plum lll \lllllil‘l an LlDPliCillIUn ‘nr mine furitllnp tin the new culvert for CUWC 3 and 4. Un tl hlU,h7‘) proycrl. ll the applicutltin was Jpprntt‘tl. ilit- iriurilclpulitv would be responsible lll'l' $1560. and the lcdcrul and prtiVinclul government wuultl [lth up €7,190 Mark Becker. clerk. said even if they can gel the .lbrne .lpflrtvaLl. the tiillil Lthl iii the cohort prilluut would be much greater than inl'raxlructurc funds would tutu-i In Llll'lnL’Llllll'l \vllll lliit Pille‘Cl. LUltnkll .tpprtiwrl tirii plDL‘\ rather thl'l rinc Kl'll it. roundup triun. til tlid \tlliti.‘ illtltlst'lkt‘t‘lfl- trig tthcn lllL') inct tin Supt l5 Tllc l"\l.t\i requirinu .ind regululln; luncc» uruiir‘d \Wlllll’l’lln; ll\ .tlid iiiurlurc plls \lrrh 3min or; «99 7 l’rL‘HltLHly t‘ir iitlmt sci J minimum lint‘ trl Slillllll iir rlll\(lnL’ ln t‘tlrl 'rutcnlinn Nliu lllCl’L l- ml \L'I line and Ill: pennlti \llll «c uuiurininuu b} Iltt liliu in place when LUl'llltl \L'flllt'll |dl.L\ pluuc