V5 1 ERLAND LEE (ISM - I926) 0f Uniltd Empire Loyalist stock, Erland Lee had a reputation as a good farmer, and had a keen interest in the welfare of his felluwman. On the Lee farm. he raiacd Jersey cattle, war on: of thc first to grow grapes commercially. and he shipped carioads ol~ R.l. Greenings apples from MS orchards to the British market. He was one or the first maple producers in the area to use an evaporator. He served many organizations: «ecretary oi‘ nis local Farmer‘s institute for l9 yearx, Township Clerk for 20 years. I‘irxt pr: dent of the Wuiitwnrth Sccd Fair. DIC\idEl|l uf (ht: chlwurth Agriculture Beard. and SecretaryTreasurtr of the Saltflcct Agricultural Society. Hut Ii was his work with Mrs. Adelaide Hunter Headless to tuund the lust Women's Institute in the world that gained him most acclaimr The organization was his idea nriginally; he convinced Mrs. Handlcu of its merit and proceeded to develop the Constitution and Bylaws and carried out the llt:L‘E\Sal’y iiegntiations with the Williihlï¬r of Agriculture to secure the Charter. The Erland Lcc (Museum) Home |\ now an historic site at Stunt-y Creek. presencd and maintained by the Federated Women‘s institutes ol’ Ulllurlt‘ in memory iii its ctr-founder. [:rlzind Lev,