‘ ' ‘ brated their 11th anniversary at the Holyrood ‘ Murra and She! un Red were givtng f me ‘ ls-li?gh ridesy to youngstirs and oldsters allke General 5'079- The weather was Fade“ 0" last Saturday when Allan and Lucy Miller cele- ride over hill, over dalf ----- (LiViHQSlOI'I PhOID) KINLOSS AND AREA NEWS AND TIDBITS "make public plea ; 7751 ix [L for help My OPP investigating the disappear, ance of Lois Hanna over eight years ago have issued a plea for the public‘s help. They are requesting that anyone who took pictures - trill; ur videos - of the Sunday afternoon and evening events. that were part of Lucknow's 1988 reunion. dig them up and loan them to the investigat- mg team. Detective Sergeant Al Robenson told the Sentinel last Friday that 1| doesn’t matter it' you haw the near lllt\65. "Even if Ly think they are of no importance. we want in luuk at them." said Robertson, Whtit may xertm lri\'ld| [U the public could be a very important piece of the puzzle. Please ï¬nd your picture: and urop them all. at the Town Hall. Simply make ture your name. address and phone number are Ul’l them and the plClur€\ Will he returned. Within 24 hours «if last Thursday's press t‘unl‘erenee by OPP and the Hanna t'umily, twn dllZL'n tips were received. mid OPP Detective Bill McKeug. who has been on the Hanna LZISE sinee day one. “We‘ve learned .1 lot til things we didn't know in Willi,“ said MeKeag. About Rt)†people have been iniervtcweil in L‘t)nnCL'llUn With the myxtcritius dimppeirunce Ul Lois llunnu. Hilllllrl \V‘tl\ dCLllirl'd It'gtlli ilt'.iiJ in 4)iil.iriii DHI‘yllill L‘Ullll iit \\‘.ill cr‘rvn .i win .it'ir â€" 1997 â€" 1998 V67‘ Ladies attend Egg; -’ funeral for cou‘sin by Ruth Bucltmeler Sympathy is extended to the Maelntyre family on the death of their cousin. Helen Vercirimak, of Edward 151mg. i i , Flushing, MJChigall. in her Don and Una . nhews 501“ Ye“ She “’15 3 Just returned from cruise cousin of Mary Pinkney. up the Rideau Canal from . Margaret Collyer. Mary Kingston to Ottawa on the Macintosh. and Marilyn Kawartha Voyageur The I and Nancy Macmyw captain for this cruise was Mar . Marilyn and John Acken l Nan nded Llie funer- ill on .luiy 12. Frank and Muriel ‘ MncKenzie enjoyed a trip to the east coast on the ‘MacKenzic Clan Bush they visited the Women's They visited the Nova Institute. Erland Lee Scotia MncKcnzic Clan. Home. " ear-7* While on toutq‘ tliéy spent a couple dayi with Rev. and Mrs. AlliSer Ramsey ‘ in SummersidefPrince Don and Una Matthews i spent the weekend visiting ‘ their son and family at‘ Stoney Creek while there ‘ This passport photo of Lois Hanna was taken about 4 months before she disappeared on July 3,1938. r Grand opening ceremonies for the Tourism Ollice were held lost , 7 Saturday. Helping outwith the ribbon cutling were Reeve Stuart Reavie: ’Wfï¬jizughrw 171771715" Barb Fisher. MPP Bruce; Par McKiiiop, Chamber ol Commerce prestdent: been mlsxtltg for near/v nine Vicky Hacket‘t, tourism cunrdinalur; Reeve Eat: Hatlam and Reeve align veurx. Lou IS my only r/aug/i- Boyle. The tourism ot‘fice will have extended hours this year a3, Is ier and / km)“; [ha] 5;â€; loaded with lots at Information on things to do both in our area an ur- would!) 'i leave without It’ll/(g ther afield. (megston Drholol me ur the bow, "One wee/rend .rhe war WlI/l r 7 e , \Â¥.,\ 7 if , ,7 1er and the next morning site Nat/(y @5137 last mee mg 7 Whitechurch I trat‘c. She was 25 win-rt :Iie left and now .rhe will be .i-X. “I am appealing {0 anyone who witld helpflnd my (laugh- In 1/ [tax been lane/v and rad r W V , .. e , , n'mr iii/hum hex by Jean Ross J 1 d ~ “New? help me- find my The Match mccung of ‘ “ 1 e S slang/tier. " lhe Wiriiccliurch Wt was. Mmyuillht' rant-tell tulth LOIS Hanna. nt' Kincartline. held an March ll. \t‘hcn the tiny til|tlngClllClIl near: was last seen late Sunday This was the limit glint tilde . . ' , ‘~i 1: night. July 3. “188. leaving a "well": 0' UH group and r . V ‘ ‘ at t' h Police believe llannn ‘erI\ {VEWLVEJJL Rettnurunt in WM“. Lhmu, nut-.rmmrnctchainririn. wearin a pearh minted. etit~ Aim} d dclicmm “mm Negruup Icridrtsvnruntimely .! tun n hlgl‘Wl‘l and matching “m m “m†m [he hm“ sitiligt‘llflll‘llllilrllhl‘lï¬k ‘xflituatt. .~ r l n a r , ' . . .r martian mi : cm \- m‘lmum 'h‘ m=m mt dMP “' C“â€â€˜â€œ"“" “""""S "“ i‘ticru uill he insuringrimremuiric. p‘ red the meeting Tm» Huh the Ntil .rrir- thmglirluld in mail. Fil mum and Cultural Ii‘lt‘piliillt‘ Iixh rriiitwmniiur-tt Aiirrm ttill\'ellt‘r5lilp um. i... “hummimrrr meeting will Err-i)†ti'rihh mil iliiuh .itirlpmiittiu ilttitit'ts. in thirty: .rnrl iatr- ltciilw lit Int .i true I Theme.“ \\:i\ Hattie .r ii.“ mt, \ihi‘ ll mu- rim» [itnilt‘gt‘u imirmlup I| llrnrm ur it-ii .rmi rrrrrt lru ill ilii'}‘ti‘ iwitli' \Nii, rill rirm- \i h.» mini mt- ‘K‘Ilt‘litx um Ntil um tr mirrrrrrmi \ttt (Jilll um hm rminnurri iii-urt- A \Ilig rim; til Si I‘mut‘r mum “ax \‘ll‘lHCii lIit-lyn tum» iilt' tlttitlti "\\t mm \[illt leriiiiinit‘