Kinloss-Kairshea WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 6, [1997] - [2003], p. 7

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{Kinloss egg/e? Kinloss township council continues its efforts to pro- mote recycling at the landfill site. Four 95 gallon bins will be purchased. at a cost of $83 each. An order for 100 blue boxes will also be placed with Bruce Area Rccyling. The blue boxes will be sold to residents at cost. George McBride has been appointed as livestock vale uer, to replace Paul MacIntyre. who resigned the posiâ€" tion. Council has now agreed that the reeve and one mem- ‘ber from the Kinloss recreation representatives will meet .with other reeves and reps to resolve the recreation agreement dispute. Council is looking for volunteers to form a committee to study production of a Kinloss township history book. Once the committee is formed. an application will be ‘submitted to the federal government for a grant. 17‘s blue boxes Association are affiliates of AMO. Important informa- tion about changes to government structure and informa- tion sessions help keep council better apprised. Reeve Jim Boyle's manner of sharing county infor- mation wtth council was questioned by Councillor Gerald Mowbray. Boyle handed out the latest Brucc County Highways and county council minutes for review. Mowbray has concerns that no verbal report is being brought back to council on county issues that affect Kinloss. Council agreed to give Kinluss Community Centre 20 ‘ free bag tags. after Councillor Gerald Doeltnan was approached about this matter. Bob Bergman attended the meeting to give comments and voice concerns on the proposed amalgamation with Lucknow. Council’s next meeting will be held at 9:30 am, on V55 li‘ire budget includes work for implementing 911 Ktnloss Township has approved the Lucknow and District l-Il’L‘ budget ill the amount of 359.260 Kinloss's share ts 25 per ccntor$l4.815, The budget tncludcs $6.200 for capital expens- es to upgrade the batie sta- tion. put lightening protcc- tton on the radio tower and for the purchase of a fax machine. Annthcr expensc r/ller/u I977 to prepare for 9H scrvtcc is rt $2.775 cost to imple» incnt J ttcwrlispatclt st. ‘ vice. Kincardine Taxi will take over the duttcs whichi Pitiecrest Mantir volun- tcercd lor almost IS years. The Cllrtngt: win tllll. affect the public. Emergency sctvicc c n still be accessed by calling 528-3l3l, Kinloss . The 3461 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) membership fee has been deemed worthwhile by council and will he paid for 1997. Ontario Small Urban Municipalitiesand Rural Ontario Municipal :Honbrarium’s" Funding chTangésifliegfi’big stay thousagige . shortfall for Kinlosslim Kinloss township councillors will retain the same commtticc seats as last year. and their honorariurns Wlll not be increased. This is the fourth year for councrl to hold the line on their rcmuy neration. Regular meetings remain at 595 for the reeve. 580 for councillors; special meetings 355. and out-ofâ€"tnwn mileage 30c per km. Management employees salaries Will be looked at in May. ‘ As this is Kinloss Township's turn to chair the jOlrtl medical centre. Gerald Mowbray war appointed as the second representatite for 1997. Martin Mctske and Fred DeBoer have been appomtcd as fence Viewers. In connection With this. councrl passed a motion that no arbitration or other pro- ceedings requiring the attendance or reattentlance of fencerviewers would be scheduled between Nov 1 and March 31. due to “rather conditions. zsimagn *‘7 A rith‘i i972 ire new clerk-treasurer - Alfred ll Herben. of Weston. has been htted to succeed Wayne lumieson as clerk-treasurer. Jamieson is now deputy-trelsurer of the County of Bruce. Purchasc waste disposal site - Kinloss Township council hat pur- chased 10 acres of land on the nth concession of Kinloss Hacked, The propenv Will be the \llt‘.‘ of the new township dunip t” Agree to shore medical centre costs A Four area townships and the village of Lucknow have agreed in split the total cost of lllt.’ proposed nett medical centre LUiâ€"l’tl’ltt“ 30”}. Asht‘ield 20‘7. West Wattantish 20‘7. Kinlos~ 2i 2. Huron Toiinsliip ltl‘» Estimated .cost til the building I) 560000 Prullltlllthll r Seteidl liitd' liuxtr nestes were participittng in “Brirgtitn World" J special prmttotton ititli $200 in prize ntonc) tor lmdl shop pcrs from Eric " end of May. March 3. rather than in the evening. so discussion may take place on the union contract with the road depart- ment employees. The contract is up for renewal at the Kiitioss township will be coming tip about 761551100 sltiirt (tllCC the new Farm Land Asscwnicnt is in pliicc in January |998 Clcrk Mark Br‘thl‘l says llti\ it on "cstitnalc" only. and docs not include other itilillllt‘t'l' al cxpcnscs thc iottriship trill incur such as ambu- Vloncc. wcll'nre, tcplic approvals. policing. libraries, assessment deli\cry etc. The townsltip's levy lrtitn Brurc (‘iiuttty it tip 'Mfilli‘l Iii.- l‘mi‘ Rt-ctc .ltnt Boylt‘ \till niicuiun llit' increase Lind ask [or a breakdown ill the Wil7| lCV) Tltc LUt'liltti“ BU) Scouts “ill be plintittg 50 trees for the ltt\vll\lll[t llll)ear, as well its earning iiut tltctr anrzuiil dchrts col of humor from 192 7 A newly-marrth woman was shopping and was determined that thc grocer should nnl take advantage (it her youth and inexperience. "Don't you think these eggs itrc vt-ry siitiill"" shL‘ silitl Ctittcall) "I do." ans 'crcd the grocer. "but that's ihc kind the farmer sends me They arc fresh from the country lhti‘. niorn- mg." "Yes." sutd lllL‘ \lllllt- pct, "ili.ii'x tliu triiu‘nlc \\tll| llltHC larnicrs They're so itiittiiut ll‘lill they Like lltt‘ll] not of lltc llt‘s’l i'ltl \tltttt ' posal site. The work is done in return for a morn:- tai} donation That old truck hot at the wastc disposal site wasn't its attractive wlictt givt-n LlUKur l[l\[lL‘LllUll by a prospective buyer. The box will now be burned out and the scrap stccl added to the pile at thc litnill'ill \ilt‘ Council News Kinloss The clerk is preparing for the iittplcincnintion oi lltL‘ ()1 I Sysll‘lll i\il\‘crtttcitic:its will lic |‘ltlt't‘d .idiisiiig ol lltt‘ upcoming htlrtws \ilticlt must bu [\UUL‘Ll l'itr retrain- ing the mails and zittcpt- mg lllt,‘ system. more talk on a point hylttiv enforcement officer. The contth with the Totvmhip (if Huron expired Jan. I Four tenders were rct‘eivt‘d for chitin-u grav- cl Doncgan llaulagc \t' ‘ tucct slut with a price Ul $2 30 per cubic yard. to crush. haul and spread about ...Onlt cubic ydldfi. and an “till the itch" price of EMU per cubic yard. Council has decided to do two roadside grass cut- ting. itii~ ycitr. llit‘ building iitspcctiii JNUIIILW ltu rugttlilt‘ itlllCL‘ lttiutt starting April 24, The final icpiiil tin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiip in. clinic ll hits ltt't‘ll stll’lllllllt‘tl Wlittt the h. . cc in lllt‘ :lt’k’tllllll it tlttidcd ruuully. the tour munitipolitics \vill czti'lt Kinloss finances revealed Kinloss Township Clerk Mart Beckcr gave council a quick overview til the municipality‘s finance» at Becker reported .i \ur plus 0i Sllll Sl‘i ltii WW- A lti.l icpim \\|ll ti released to lllL‘ «ltltlllt'! ii il\ March I? mccting l‘i‘t] CUUItCIl‘s nut iiicctinp DID Y0 U KNOW l-arm tractors arc asso- farmArclated fatalities. Tractor rollovers and runrwers arc the leading causes of death, In most cases. there was no ROPS on the "mint The farm operator is ciated with 47.5 Clo of the person at greatest risk of being totally injuer Sourct‘ Canadian Agricultural Injury Surteillancc Program. October 1997 sells Jail CNR ’77; bridges . by Pat Livingston Now that the transtcr of thc CNR property to lKihlnss township has i finally been completed, tthc municipality wtll pro- ‘cecd with this side of three lrnilway trestle bridges. lTht: decision was made at {a meeting of council and tthc committee represent- ing ratepayers along the line, 3 «Cl. big: 'dge .h been imign at an l‘ddver- !tiscrnent announcing a‘ 5_ptlblic auction was subse~ lquently placed in local papers. i At council's July 2l meeting. Ray ‘Cunningham. Paul. Maclntym and John Caner expressed their conccrns with the sale of the bridge at part of Lot 60. Conc, I They do not want to see this bridge removed because so many people use it as a walkway and snowmobile trail. After rcviewing the matter, council decided not to proceed with the sale of that one bridge. Future determinations will decide whether the parch of land will continue to be in the ownership of the township. or be sold to the adjoining landowners. Council was informed about another bridge at Lot 25. Cone. | Thr- advertisement will be changed to delete one and add the othcr Priccs tcccivcd will of!- sci the costs to the landowncrs along the line. once the properties are tiimyui min StJld back in those landowncrs The firm of Archibald. Gray and McKay will bc hirt‘tl tn tiiinplctc the sur- vcys til the CNR land The estimated cost of 515nm Wt" be divided amongst the yurthasers of tht‘ land as will all other cttrls wurmi it} itit ttiwrtsltir‘ in bringing tint pri-pctt} ilLl|ul\llltIl't [v.1 LillllplCr llttl‘

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