as «. LN, w V. 11 old til“; 31: were the cele‘vrntinn the anniversan of The '31:.1xmod 30 Gaussian 2111‘. " {2111, 3:1111935, “ll. Firs. Llo-n‘. Tfusehl ï¬ve the opening; ‘: + xe instittte throughout the ‘75 year flies. Jane V‘hrens on the guitar :nfl Zlenwr T-chlorff on the m1".oharp [Hafâ€" -efl. an" sun}; several nLu"‘ers. .\ skit ‘H am we inst te "resting heli at a ‘3 home 0; recfr‘ezxs. ljrs. iï¬ranï¬i Seymour prove‘l very interesting. The stage was an old parlour scene typical _of Sula '75 years (go and 4 la ies were in centennial ï¬re 59. Playing" the parts were presif‘went Z flannel "0011+ he was Mrs hrens. iirs. Seymour was 2 James Jacâ€" klin, Hrs. feremiz' grown was Zips. ‘Iil‘aert 33.159311, Zir‘s. Tiatthew "mite was played by Mrs. "falter Atton, firs. John limithmianist, was H‘s. , lvin Cchlorff‘ while the school mam, Miss Hattie Thomâ€" pson was played by Hrs. Uflflon Illles an?! Hrs. Ephriam Jones was pl- ayed by {fr-s. Norman Uar‘tz. Darbam .‘Schlorffgrve several weer-dean numbers. Mrs. Aliin "c?oxub,1.9'72 presifxent, welcomed the l‘aflies and gave the highlights of the work of Malcolm ‘2'.l.she said )Dn helm lf of the members of Malcolm “7.1.,Iwish to extend to you 5‘11 5‘ hearty welcome andhope you will enjoy our program and later have lunch with us,in this our part. of celehrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Institutes of Ontario! Iwant to give you a s‘uor't tireview of our Ilalcolm "LI. which was former! in .Lpril 27,1954. The first meeting; was held in the Malcolm school with IE ladies wresent and by the enfl of the year the roll call numbered 734 and now 32, Some have dropped out, some have moved away and some Have been taken by ieath, but we rlo keep adding new on -es. .1“ . Arthur- l-umdrell of Southax‘mton who was District president of Bruce East presiflea over thr first meeting and was assisted by Mrs. Frank Kennedy 01‘ Tara who was the district secretary. The first Drâ€" esident was Mrs. Duncan HcCallum and Mrs. Wornnn Ahrens was the fi- rst secretary.The ladies named the group the Malcolm it is known today. 11 titu‘ye s of ""9 'JOI‘K or er ofcere m