, Hrs. Emerson Emke FWIO Board Director, brought greetings from the board and praiSad the Malcolm W}I. for the hard work they put into their meetings. Prizes were given to Mrs. David Paterson of Chesley for holding the Qï¬een of Hearts, Mrs, Ezra Dietrich for having served as institute member for SI years, Mrs. Harold Sloan of Gillies Hill W.I.alco received a prize. A trilude of old time melodies were sugg by Mrs, Lloyd Musehl, Mrs. James Iaeï¬lin,Mrs. Lincoln Leudke, Mrs. Calvin Wilson with Mrs. Alv -in Sohlorff at’the piano. Ladies in appropriate dress of course. Hrs. Fred Friar,Chesley,president of Bruce East district, spoke briefly. A skit School Daze was put on by male teacher, Hrs. wm. Miskie wit -h pupils Hrs. Ronald Lamont and Mrs. Wilbert Bluhm as girls and Mr ‘-5. Harry Wilkins and Mrs. Harold Wolfle as boys with all the usual mischief of school days. Mrs. Lloyd Musehl announced that the Malcolm W.I. is taking a bus trip June 22 to OAC in Guelph. Lunch was served smorgasborg style and the anniversary cake was out Taken from The Chesley Enterprise June I972 IIII--_________________--I--Ill-