iPinkerton W.l. Diamond Jubilee The June meeting a: The Finit- erton Women‘s institute took the form of It 66th Anniversmy Dinner in the C.O.l~‘i Hall in the Village. Over an termer mem- bers. guests nnd members an: down to a beautiful meal at 1 run. on June 8th. The long white bunnuet tables were Danu- um with their nine and sold tier-l nnd candle arrangements. ‘ hire. Gordon Wilson, Ill't'ï¬l- dent. Veiccuned the ladies and ioiluwlng an opening sing Sung. A delicious meal nreimroti by brunch members was enjoi'ci by all. Mm Horace Moitntt, i‘nï¬n- ley. only Life Member at the l Pinkerton Branch, cut the utmi~ wmry cake. Mrs. Us: Pilgrim introduced the gueet weaker, Mrs. Harvey linu- ttton, at Holyrood. hire. Houston brought granting- trom Airs. Neh- Ilttt President of Federniori \\‘0» men‘s institute at Olilnrio and the Provincial Board. in her tnllr. Mn. Houston recalled hor early days in the PInin-riun in~ Itilnte and brought hack in her reminiuiug mnny pleasant mam- ories for (ï¬rmer members She also moire hriotly on her n--\v oi- liee as Public Relations Otflcer {or F.W.l.0. Mrs. Norman Alexander thunk- etl Mrs. Hauston and In presumâ€" ing her with n gilt commented that the new oilicu was can hire. Houston would most ably i'iii unil expressed the wish of hit present, (or her continued success. M . Harold lllasing oi Nunstadt, Grey- Bruce Aron Chuirtuun nnd Mrs. Fred Frinr ol Chusluy, Bruce East District President brought greet- ingsi Mrs. lluroltl liirrell. Pinkerâ€" tun Branch rcuti a review or the highlights or 60 year; with the Pinkerton Woman's lnstitntu. Guests warn present lrom Suskn~ tchewan, Ningnru Peninsula .ind the surrounding rountius, us tut» first illsliliim Wnn iornu-d nronntl thn turn of tilt) Century. it will 1m nnicd thin. the l‘lnkcrtun llrunnh was mm 0! the curly Oiit'a ill 0nâ€" liirlr) dining {ram 191:, Sydm‘y anti Stewart Ainxnndnr worn rvrent visitors will} lliuir grnndmuthnr. lilrn. iluy Alexan- tlnr. Our lotul [iehnrmonz l’lnn ('riiilini, lllll I‘inkvrinn, i-Itlgnr i‘ilKTiiIi. Gordon Pilgrim lillll an- n'ncn Grai‘m. hnrn i'tIliirinul i'rmn nurilinrn oninrln. 'ritny round illl‘ Inut duyn of tho irin n 1111 vhilly in tho north muuirlu E . need“. he ladies are taking charge at the special W.C.W. Ser- vice on Sunday, June 25th and will Provide the choir. It is n and duty to chronicle the passing at old lriencls and farmer residents of the area. Wrsiiadled Sunday night, June 4t . at her home in Curmu- uwflim .Js- pnssed away at, a nursmngme in Grimshy recently. She was the former Jessie Fleming and tuught at the, Bradley School. On Saturday, word was received; of the death of Billy Bain, also‘ of Gr|msby. Folimgthy illness of A serious heart Candi-l tion. When he lived on Conn. 18. Billy was m‘iivn in Communh Iiy niinirs rind was a valued‘ choir member of Knox llierunriul t‘hurrlL He this n irvqunnt visi» [or to friends in the Village and u-nmmiiliily. Sianre sympathy to illn heronl‘ad families. Tim “’lillt‘ frost on Sunday morning recalled the dnys When Jim flowers published his annual \vnuihnr forecast in the early .wurs ni ihn present cnntury. lâ€"lo ulwuye lllt‘llldl‘d a June frost! Lin-xii dannuzu \vus not too FSlCn-‘ rive. ‘ Mr. and Airs.,\'iutnr ,nigtralte worn umnng thn nmny intending llll‘ “()[n‘n House†In Tet'swnim'. hold by Thompson l'lrns.. m marl: their mull nnnlvorm in ihv‘ (‘rmimvry illiRanhH. (‘itrrlc i'll'iil \‘iciur lliiil nn impromptu r it. willt missus: lilarlm'io llllll Essir‘ “Linux: 13% is n i‘nrmer li‘fli‘lll‘l‘ oi tlm nwriuu Snlinnl Ireni, II Tim U.C.“'. in'ltl lllr'il' .lunu hire. (lnrdon Cnl'lunrl i’ll’ld Mr "muting ill llll‘ Kirk-Hull or (‘url lilil\'i‘ï¬, \‘lh‘lUil on Friday ix'linx MomurluLCmucu mum!- “ (1w [‘lnkvrlun inmily nml hum culled on tum Myrlln iinr- Immu- iluw ut‘i'upy um Koyes liinil ni. her hnnn- in llm villnyzo. lmnwnit-ml l Mr. and hire. mm Nun t'llli‘r- nu sunuuy llllli'llli'ilf um: Kon ninwi‘nll Sumlm‘ il‘rmn'mun l|l\'l‘i'Hi|l‘)' M Mr». Null‘u lilti‘ufliu Ill: and Mrs iin'um,_\1ann I)! llurrin. (formory of Klmznrh. nutivu of Mom in n mommunlty. rm 3r lamina. [Mn nmi Mm lwn wuuu in ‘mnnur at the ï¬i'ulli “Wilding: An- \\‘ui-~|i iIIIil ltm'. Hm:er Bull ox» i‘liuliizuil pulpiin. \\'lI->I| Mr. \\'ui(‘h . imnk niliili'ui'unry nurvim‘n M St. Amirvw'n in illuiuy. an-v, Ban lliill n illi:l xwrnIIIII inr llIIV morn» Im wnruhinn-wu :illil n Huxtntm of rumâ€; luilluu I‘rnm iho Junior » i‘li-Ilr rl‘llill'rl‘il nn nnlimm. out n! Cuoill, which is being ro- cancreie Itruciun. pllrs at which llkarien, and glued by naw "tree-wan pro-cut uro Ihewn on left.