% ,_ ., N.- .,the1r home community, they have sppnsored Hallowe'en pa gk card parties, potluck suppers, served‘a wedding dinner , helped ' a s.ers who lost heavily in a fire ,aroused interest in Farm Forums" â€. I ;ohools and a special interest in the school and later , the r.a J J~ Community Centre. It was the Women's Institute who' spearheaded a committee and aroused the community to the need of retaining the school for the Cpmmnnity. They have added drapes, dishes , chairs and have a cleaning _ .9 day each year. It has proved a popular meeting place. ‘ Other promotion ideas were a better booth at the Township Hall in Ripley and this has proved a great boon to every one using the Hall. They ’ became alarmed when a man died in the Railway Station and no light. They ‘ made various contacts with the result a light burned there day and night ‘ until Ripley §tation was dismantled in 1971. Theyalso protested to the 1 Department in the indiscriminate breaking of mailboxes. ( When the Branch was organized , they decided to carry on some of the customs ofthe former Ladies Aid, such as welcoming new brides, gift for those leaving, mothers and babies are remembered and sick and shutâ€"ins and 25th wedding anniversaries. mam/4.».mm Wat Moria ’ The members are not always serious e.g. a Roll Call when you paid a ‘ ‘ penny for each article of clothing you had on†composing Poetry a box ( 1 social, backwards meeting, contests, acting out what was on a slip of paper, ‘ “ 'ikvfloing'eiercises to music, Roll Call "Kids say the darndest things ". u The members depend chiefly on the talent of the members for good programs - everything from bagpipes to slides toPanels and addresses. + However they have learned much from speakers such as- heave of Township ‘ talking on township business, Home Economist talking on freezing foods, representative from Children's Aid Society, Lloyd Ackert on Boy Scout . Jamboree in Greece, a banker on hints to women in banking, a Dutch native ‘ r speaking on Holland, the administrator of the Kincardine Hospital, a store- keeper on consumers' problems, a librarian, a public school inspector and a High school Principal’a beautician , a drapery expert on Window Treatment and a talk and demonstration on physical fitness. Before government hospitalization came into effect, the Branch was a collecting agency for Bruce Coâ€"operative Health Insurance. During Cent ennial lear, e Doll gas entered in the“Doll to represent a historical figure of your community Contest. Members have learned a lot from such Courses as- Vegetables with a Flaip, Hats for You , Home Laundry Forum, More About Finishes, Meat in the Menu, Baking with Yeast and Ontario Fruits†Creative Cookery , Block rrinting and Home Care bf the Sick. For a few years , aprize was given for perfect attendance. Some years they had Sunshine Pals or Mystery fals. F Presidents during these ten years were- Mrs. Frank Dore, Mrs. Geo. ‘ Harkness, Mrs. Cecil Sutton and Mrs. Francis Boyle. Secretary-treasurers have beenâ€" Mrs. Morford Eackay, Mrs. donald Gillies and Mrs. Uon McCosh. _ . , Mrs. Wm. J. Arnold, a member of theis Branch Since its organization, became President of Bruce South District in 1970. 77474 1. ~< v' 7%?" ’yr'fl' Cflflfic/i'pt’ (Z/Hâ€"rï¬ 4"‘f/Z Ward 7 ,, ’ . , ;i «s 7 ~ L g g _ . U 14.. . )LL’LC-(tLL- 4’ Ctt’kdzz 5; "1/6 ’C 7/41.. 3/». {Nu L“ ,h,flxx attnfh f, Jan. 18, 1975 The Curator, Mrs. 1m. Arnold continues to bring the Tweedsmuir History up-toâ€"date each winter. J The members continue to send in pictures and news items. A meeting is devoted to the history of the community each second year and usually a Special collection is taken at this meeting to pay for supplies. Feb. 23, 1979 I Th Mrs. Ben Scott continues to assist the Curator, Mrs. Wm. Arnold, by collecting clippings. e TwIedsmuir H istory is again brought up-to -date. Feb. 11, 1980 Mrs. WI. Arnold, the Curator, continues to keep the Tweedsmuir History up-to-date. 3 meeting was held in Jaguirj akrâ€"r. hold continuesas Curator. ’ ('uratcrr to: in. Mrs. Verve-y Her: was F93â€: 1C, 19(31- Uri. 1:1". when Family Trees warn Jan. 1982- Mrs. Wm. Arnold continuing as Curator with Mrs. Robert Thompson as Assistant. Mr. Claus Breeds spoke on Bruce County Museum at Southampton . Curator given $15 to help her work.