ERLAND LEE HOME sToNEv CREEK. ONTARIO Opened 1973 DINING ROOM ERLAND LEE HOME STONEY CREEK ONTARIO gun-1‘ I / Mrs, Vrctor Beacn‘n‘ hoses; rat-'95 tune out In ptay the 0rd Mnme Wa/Kam ‘ nrgan /rom PEnh boum MANTLE FIREPLACE CIRCA 1850 SELBY, Ont.- Danated by three Districts In Lambton County. Funds obtained through catering at lnternationat Ptowing Match. Ornaments and furnishings donated by Branches and Districts throughout Prov- mce. WhatNm a all Canadran Glass Er/and Lee Far/our l'orrr Vark Mann 0151er w dona'mns from vnmwa‘ua/s an uh dJSp/ay 0/ d Branches