. fesu‘lza‘ ‘ rem/1 ‘14ng I A community meeting was held r Monday avenlng to make plans l for the mm Annual Maple Syrup 1 Festival at Purple Valley. The Festival wlll be held on the Saturday of the Easter weak and April lsL and wlll ielhlre Pancakes and maple syrup, the boning DI the sap lrllD maple syrup ln a large lron kettle, hay rldes, pony rldes, games contests. Entertainmentb Mlss Rohln Thompson of Mar lbe enjoyed during the alteran and again in the evenlng at thedance, Crans made atCapeCroker will agaln he featured, these will include Chlgl Wflmer Nadilwan with his wood carvings and Mrs, Stella Johnson of the Cape Cro- kpr Silk S: sen Factory. Always popular couple at the leslival Irene and Joe Ald- wehzle at Cape Croker ln thelt natlve Indian costume have been invited. Mrs, Archie Givens and Mrs, 011w: Whlla ol the Mar Women's Institute will display their lltler- estlng planner pictures. Mr. Allan Howe ls collettlngv a display of splles from the‘ {lrst wooden spun on. A bulletin board wlll be 5:4 up llsting events, time and place. Mr. Stan Lamar" Wlll be In- Vlled again as our M.C. Anyone wishlng to sell Maple Syrup is welcome. it Is request- ad that ihe name or the seller he on their syrup. Mrs, Jack Urbsholt and Ralph “[55 Lnfmwe a lgâ€"“Mr †lrLt-an were mmed treasurers theâ€"Pï¬ï¬ï¬'llfllev séhool'lï¬ In} r v v â€"â€"vâ€" ( tlw Maple Syrup lestlval cum- TQ’EU s wll 59 mi 55 3 SP' mee m nus meeting. Mlm Tï¬m’guesl, A Manual statement or the rr-stlval funds was glven also a report or the News Your dance, It was llEL'ldk‘d to hold dances once a month throughout these:- nwe was namedchnlrmun. Mrs. ank Urbshott wlll he secretary d In charge oi advertlslng. Comrnltlea named to look alter lckels [or the 50/50 draw at bu“ the lesllval dance Ire Mrs. Jack The next lestlval met-ting will £3359“ng SW39 tall‘lglgf u†w' 1' “an °“ m“ Entertainment committee, Rev. y ' and Mrs. Walter King, Mrs. 7‘ Lorne Hamoly, Mrs. Agnew and Allan Howe. are ln charge or the Gate. CllJi' Gilbert Jr., will be me anctlaheer and ln charge of ar- rangements rm lheauctlon sale Mrs. Mabel Pruder, Mrs, Don Pruder and Mrs. Wm, Cook are in charge at orderlng loud and supplles. Mrs. Clifl Gilbert Jr. and Mrs. Hector Coveney are in charge 0! the toilet: and pies. Mrs. James Urbshatl and Mrs. Wm. Cook were named ln charge of organlzlng Pancake Cookers and servers. Gall Gilberl. Don Pruner, Geo- rge Hockney hnd‘Sam eeldn,’ C nylon, Brian and Fr Ill-h- ‘sholt were named to look afler the balllng of the sap lulu maple syrup In the irph kettle and lefltmeï¬n S Lt S. for 4 years. Both have extensive backgrounds in farming and mechanics. The New Holland Service Trllnlng Centre is one of the most modern tralnlng inculties in to» nation for lnstrurtlng dealer and complny servicemen in farm machinery rephlrs. The company 15 among the world's ten largest larm equlpment manufactures, Providlngqulck eillclEIll Sarvlrs to farmers during crltlc harvest time Is one at the company's top priulilesv 5 Doug Henry and Jack Urbshofl, servicemen lor Waym. Ward 3 ., ave returned from a w long training program at the NewHollann Sorvlua Tralnlhg Gunter at New Holland, Pen- nsvlvanln. Whllr at the center they attended Sestluns m the sarvlr p, and repair of a wlde Varlety of houeru larm machinery. Harry, wlm mun“ at R. R. 1, Wlarlon, has om'n cmployzd by Wayne Ward S. at S. cm wars, Urbshotl, who resldes at R. n. 4, w on. has been mnploved by Wayne ward Var/(o £4, W], _‘ Ralph McLean and George Howe ‘ '; tag 9‘3 [rug