Iâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i oacllon A Wednesday, February 21, 1979 One of the leature attractions at the annual Wlartorl Lions Club snowmobile races was the Kitty Cat race starring the youngsters on their Shown proudly holding miniature machines. my “diet! Hepburn) T 4-H REPORT .ne first mealin of c. ll'l Eurplé valley "Puhgns' 47: lFluo U ‘Accessorles the Final “ouch was held at the horns at MS Audley Hepburn on F mar, 5 in; 4-H pi l979 meeting opened Wlth the > edge and proceeded with electron at otilcers which are muons President 7 Cathy t. rSEEFé-iar; - rotating and we also decrded to have a l rotating press reporter The for this orriecl are Mrs L Grey Hepburn and Mrs Terry I Johnston and there are eight V rrerrcers A'ler d-scussrng the Basic Wardrobe Colour and the HIS' i nary oi Accessories the meeting was closed With the 47H motto Learn :0 Do By Doing " by Debbie Gllbert The second meeting of the Purple “alley 4-H Club “Thei Put-ons' was held Monday. February 12. 1979 at 7:30 pm. at the Goodales. The roll call: Show my best colours, the colours I should avoid and my their trophies are, left to right: Batty Anne Knight of Sauble Beach â€" Wright. Hepworth. llrst: and Dustin Weir of t Hepworth, third. l basic wardrobe colour was an- swered by all members. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Debbie Gilbert and approved. Lois Keays volunteered as secretary tor meeting two. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 17. 1979 at 7 00 pm. at the Hepburn's. The leaders discussed the beginning of the project manual ,ior the benefit of the new members not at meeting one. The discussion topic for this meeting was hats and the styles suttaole tor lace shapes and body shapes as well as the care of different hat fabrics. The club activity was an exermse in cutting fabrics and simple sewing techniques with all of the girls cutting out fabric to Saw a brimmed hat for practice purposes. The meeting was closed with the 4-H motto "Learn to do by Doing." by Lola Keays second; Bradley -Did you remember to send your Valentine 3 card last Wednes- day? ll you find yourself getting the frosty treatment and it has nothing to do with the February weather we're having. you must have forgotten. ‘ ‘Recent visitors with Jim and Margaret Urbshott were Debbie and Brian Urbshott of Wiarton. -Kathy Scanlon and baby oi ‘ Toronto are spending some time with her sisterâ€"irHaw Sue Scan- lon and family. -Bl|l and I had visitors from Penetanguisnene last and the men took part in the Snow-arama. They were Garnet and Carol, Mark and Fat. Sandra and Don. -Fred McCartney is a patient In the Wiarton Hospital. We hope he will soon be feeling better. â€"Doug Wright of Calgary, AI- berta is staying with his dad Harold Wright for the winter. »Cur|lng at the Lion's Head Winter Carnival was enjoyed by 1 Bill Cook. -Furp|e Valley W.I. held their Valentine meeting on February weekend ‘ 8th at the home at Wilda Gilbert Roll call - the hast home made Valentine was won by Kim Gilbert Minutes and corras- l pondence were dealt with and It was moved that the W.I. purchase two colleo percs lor use at community activities. Proceeds from the skiing lunch are to be used tor purchasing cream and sugar bowls. Scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Florence Bere. Mrs. Margaret Urbshott who was In charge of the topic "Agriculture & Canadian Indust- ries" showed a very interacting film about “Agnes McPhall - the lady from Grey County.“ Wilda. . Kim and Mrs. Bore served lunch at the close of the meeting. The March meeting will be held on Monday. March 5th at Mrs. Helen McCartnoys. All those | interested. note the change in date. -Berford Lake Snowmobile Club held a meeting at the home of Verna and Ed Elliott on Fat:- ruary 13, 1979. Several Items of general business were discussed re - trails. memberships and the groomers. Plans were made for a hard times dance to be held at Purple Valley Community Centre . on February 24. Music will be by Driftwood and there wlll be door prizes and spot dancest Sounds like a good time so pull on your overalls and come. All this and lunch too for just $2.00 per person. -A meeting was held at the Purple Valley Community Centre on February 6th in regards to this year's Maple Syrup Festi- val. Yes. we are planning our annual spring lestlval and we would like you to come and join us and enjoy pancakes and syrup and take part in the events that are planned for your pleasure. That's on Saturday. April 14. 1979. Mark that date on your calendar, More about the Festi- val at a later date as another meeting Is called for March 6, 1979.