Wednesday, February 7, 1979 Purple Valley takes bed races V l An assortment of beds on wheels lined up at the " Public Utilities Building and took off in mass confusion in the Bed Race held Saturday morning. The beds became involved in a mass collision just off the start oi the race and by the time they got sorted wiarton Redmen in the surprise victory‘ out. a speedy team from Purple Valley got a goodiump The Redmen team consisted oi Bill Angel. John on the rest of the entries and held it long enough to I. r- \ Purple Valley takes Bed Races capture first place. Ed Bain. the bed rider tor the Valley team andt pushers Wayne Clark, Kelly. Elaine and Flick: Thompson upset the last year's champions. that Good. Brad Sutter, Fred Urbshott and Pete McDoug_all got off to a poor start but managed to overtake all the beds except for the Valley. giving them a second place finish A team for the Boat Lake Bushwackers took third. This year, the race had a bit of colour added to it thanks to a team of girls who finished last but not Purple ‘. Valley [by Audrey Hepburn) l -A very pleasant alternoon was i spent last Wednesday at Mrs. Eva Gilberts by a number of ladies as we helped quilt and ‘ enjoyed some pleasant conversâ€" ‘ ation and a cup at tea. Joyce and Barrie Doherty enioy- l ed the Handicraft Show in Toronto last week and vtsated t members at their family while there »A number oi Purple Valley: residents took in the Farm Machiney show and horse draw “1 Toronto on Wednesday. - January 31, -Rachel and Norman Hepburn ‘ and Garth Keays enjoyed the concert In Owen Sound last i Monday evening with Sneezy Waters "Hank Williams - the show he never gave." Over 100 skiers enjoyed hot cofteer chocolate and soup serv- l ed by the Purple Valley ladies at the community hall. This ski tour was conducted by Mrs Ruth Arnsberger and is part at the Groundhog Festival events. Next week we wrll be catering to those who are taking part in the ski-aâ€"rama -Mtss Debbie Gilt-err was one oi theemxants in the Groundhog titeen Contest She was Spam sored by Four neasun Styles and looked mi, rvely. ~Mtss 5.1", Hepburn Debbie Gilbert Four Season Styles Toronto was home lor the weekend >5nowmobllers Ha’VE,‘ and til-‘4'" t Weir, Mar. yisned Vrttn Illenda Frirtur at Purple Valley or: evening least. The girls were Edna Wright, Eleanor Lang. Marilyn Berry. Joan Hyatt and Donna Berry. The girls _ showed a lot at spirit in the race, but spectators all agreed that next year they would do better if tour of them pushed the bed while one rode on it instead oi having four riding on it while one pushed. .The bed irom the Gateway Haven was given first prize as the best decorated bed.