a-r mpg-r7; , I, woman‘ettended g ntyifounhu‘Wornen'a - mention at. Hot- ‘ ‘ on October _ “Mm. Harold Mrs. E.G_. Untadt aa.coyns,oonductad gmeet g ï¬lm‘s-longs were oil 'th.th'e new song McGuire M,.-. Denna are; - and A Mrs. Bartram ey'atzey‘and‘Bruoe home Millet told ua‘ about the , homemal‘tlng and aenlor . mea‘ln lltlt lornj.‘ r , jam; .Kelth Hlepleh.‘ Dmi- t‘d at of the; federated wo- ngs lnetltute et Ontarlo, ght .greetlnge'v nd salted ryone to vlalt he ,Royal rloulture Museum at Mllton. ’ , people have passed 1;: Ugh the gates slnce May. arooelebratlng 16 years _ g the Erland‘ Lee are are. mugs tor M , p, 'throe were awarded. 3 jAn‘na .Kenned 'ol, Wlndaor. :: Donneï¬lark o Markdale and ~.Le‘llle..nanlela. r 'her 18 was World Food nly Iggdoountrlel Inuthe use more an . goanaua, u.s.A. lay 'Mra. . Farrler’ and r EM it? 17‘s “f W.I. I Austral]: and Argentlna. Mll- llona ol chlldren wlll dle ol hunger. We must study produ- our consumer relations and do inmothlng about It. A lllm “Rafters. Roots and Maple Syrup" told of e oommunlty wforlfllng together for the good u a . At the banquet on Thursday evonlng our speaker. Mr. Allan Leader, prtnclpal of WIarton Public School and co-ordlnator ot a Values Program In Bruce County, aald home and lemlly are sllll the best at the good Illa. We have to use the beat at today and move out to change. Do our best to salvage the lamlly form. In our groups we can get somethan done It we llnd oommon ground and keep knockln on doors tlll we reach our goe . It does matter what happens to our nelhbours. Local, county, provinclal eflalra are our concern. We feel good about ourselves when we are hot lng others. xpeot s prlde In cltlzsnahlp and respect lor people. I' ‘ Hewlett munlclpal quartette entertelned us with songs about the lnstltute. There were several draws throughout the oonventlon - Teeawalor cheese. Bruce County Tartan and 1L EConvention Maple Syrup. Greetlnga were extended lrorn the Guelph area by Mrs. Betty Lambert. Mrs. Mae Dlxon the regional vice president and June Alton of the Junlor Women‘s lnatltute. Dlscusslon groups helped the standing convaners give their reports. a new Idea weII reoelved. Ken Knox ol the Rural Orgenlzatlona and Servlces Branch brought us up to date on the reorganlzatlon of the Ministry. He said they hope to serve these organtzatlons bet- ter wlth our Input. Mlss Molly McGhee has been promoted and brought greetlngs to us for the last time. Fllms were vlowed: Davld Mlllan. Artist and Faahlons Through the Ages. A ï¬lm presentatlon on “People Patterns", about W.|, was shown and can be borrow- ed for programs lrom the area treasurer. Mrs. Watklns of the Mermlon branch antertalned wlth accordlan selectluns. Bruce South dlatrlct won the trophy for the beat attendance. Mrs. Norman Wyvllle gave the courtealee. The lollowlng olllcers were elected: Past resident. Mrs. Harold McArthur of Dohbln- ton: President, Mrs, E.G. 'Ureladl of Owen Sound; Vlce Presldent. Mrs. J. Coyne of Wlarton‘. 2nd Vlce. Mrs, J. Wyvllle ol Merkdale; 3rd Vlce, Mrs. Geo. Parker of Elm.~ wood; Secretary, Mrs. J. Thom of Mestord; Asslstent. Mrs. :Morrla Hannle ol Mealord: ‘Treaaurer. Mrs. Wrn Hender- son at Mar; new auditors: Mrs. RoaaIInd Held 0! Wlarton and Mrs. Sydney Fllchardson of Wlarton. The new board dlrec- gtor lor sub. dlv. ll17 ls Mrs. Don McAdam of WIn ham and her alternate ls ra, Rosa Cummlng of Lucknow.