1 Sharing Our Heritage The cattle had been previously sold to Mr. M. Stewart and Mr. Wm Hamilton, two drovers from this area, A thriving sawmill operated by Billie McLean was located just outside the village. It was steam driven and in the summer months when there was no logs being sawed he ran a threshing machine doing custom work throughout the community. The sawdust was carted away by sleighs to store the ice blocks for cooling milk, cream and food in the summer. Ice blocks were cut with an ice saw (hand operated) from a pit On Andrew llamilton's farm. For a few weeks when the ice was thick enough to cut into to x 16 foot blocks, farmers were busy hauling the ice blocks home (20 blocks to a load). Some horses had great di t‘ticulty backing their sleighs down near the cutting area. The blocks were piled into an ieehonsc in layers and completely covered with thick layers ofsawdust. Iwas brought up on a dairy farm and the only coolant for the milk was ice in big tanks of cold water. it took over 300 blocks per summer for our use, There were two cheese factories, onejust outside the village and a new one built in 1901 at the crossroads ofthe 8th line and the Sand Pointâ€"Bumstown Road. A home for the eheescmaker was built shortly afterwards, A community Hall was built in 1915 in the village on land donated by John Hamilton - wedding receptions, municipal elections, plays, church services, Christmas concerts and all social events in the community were held here. Our W.l. oflen scrubbed the walls, tloors, updated the kitchen facilities with boilers, teapots, dishes, tables etc. Water had to be hauled for all these occasions. The Hall was deeded over to the Amprior McNab Lions Club in 1991 and has been sold to an individual in 2005. The Glasgow United Church met in the Community Hall from 1925 â€" 1949 when a new church was built. An addition to the church was built in the 1980's. The MeNnh Municipal business was conducted out ofthe home ofJames and Stewart Anderson who were the Township Clerks. In 1966 anew municipal ofï¬ce was built and a lire hall with 2 washrooms, ltinolirooms, 3 ofï¬ces, community policing and council chambers added on in 1989. A municipal garage was built in 1982 and a salt and sand shed in 1995. The first volunteer fire ï¬ghting service came into operation in the early 1950's with the purchase of a pamper, which was stored in the township hall. A few volunteers living close by carried the pamper to the tiles. Fire service was upgraded over the years with trained personnel and ï¬re trucks. We now have an excellent Volunteer Fire Department stationed at Glagow, White Lake and Braeside under Fire Chief Glen Styles. Renfrew South District Women’s Institute Page 19 of 27