Sharing Our Heritage llorton North Herton Township was ï¬rst surveyed in 1825 and named utter R..|. Wihnot Horton, an English Member of Parliament who was active in ln‘uttalltint', emigration in Canada. The first church services were held in Bonnechere Mission in |828 by the Methodist Church, The first white child, Ira Mayhew, was born in what is now the town of Renfrew in 1829. Ross and Horton Townships separated in the year 1851, seven years prior to Renfrew's separation from Horton. The Bonneehere river enters Horton Township at lot limrteen. concession one, it runs an easterly course and enters the Ottawa River at lot six, concession ten. The river was not only a physical barrier but a social barrier creating a rtivnliny, line between the mostly Scottish southern portion ofthe township and the north eastern section inhabited largely by Irish Protestants living on stony or poor soil. {'ln‘istupher James Bell built a timber slide at the ï¬rst chute in 1829 and in 1832 the Bonnerhere provided power for a grist mill, there was also a sawmill at the first chute in the early I‘Hlls. When the roads were named for the civic address system in the 19903 the names of many of the founding families were used, Driving throuin the township today you get tell where the first families lived by the name ofthe road. l-‘arming has always been an important part oflife in the township and still continues today. Renfrew South District Women‘s institute Page 21 of27