South Saugeen WI Scrapbook, Volume 2, [1992] - [2008], p. 4

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I M Lots at Love We'ra celebrating this H 30th Anniversary at our 16th Birthday - the two host ialmllcs August B. mm a one-year exchangu n Dinarlt. Belgium, which ls totaled one hour south 0! the capital Clly or Blussais. "vou get to know what the tlvmg and metal condltlons are In other counlrtes and ll really makes you ap pleclala what Our Gauner has to other." McCulloch Sald Followtng a series 0! lhtemews and applicailons, McCulioch was one at theéfl Canadian Students accepted in to the rotary exchange program last year ‘ McCulloch liver) wlth two host lamilles during her Stay "1 Dinanl and attended Grade 11 at the College do Nuire Dame de Eelie Vile. a :lrivate Catholic school "The people m Belgium are really lrlFrldly and in school, they just treated me like a waltor,” she sang “You had ll] make the llrsl move when waklng tllerlos, nut alter that they're your “tends to! ME.“ McCulloch salt: the sLhuol system lrr Belgium is much more dllilcult than lrt Canada consideran students ln Belgium choose thelr sublerts ol study years ll’l advance, which Mr: Culloch Said does Pol allow lor any divergence it the students mlghl choose to change then mlnds about luture career choices Although Dlnartl's lllsl larlguage ti; French‘ McCulloch 5am she really dldn‘t have any problems adttisllng |C ’Tttev were really mean t am: open nun me our tor the My: iltle "ml;- reallv treads-J supper lmt} sha .3. plalned There would always bi: lute at people at IMP lnnln and when you hate me ConvetSalljl‘x gnmu t all .‘it the some rune ll can nu a s r ma: whelmlng ‘ McCulloth sac she owlcanlu hr‘ con-mun - lionsbarrierhvltSlEmm;l'l lrla Hanna and «mull .t lLlSl saw- .n / S . . . . pectal recognition went to these three girls during Saugeen Memorial Hospital's teen- age volunteer appr lion night. last week. Teresa Underhill (centre) served 400 hours, Mary McCulloch (right) 300 hours, and Jessica Walter. 200 hours The wealheraisoheloeu inrglse Iver SDtrllS as Mccultuch Said a dLrtflq March and Aprll a record hreatunq A4 decrees Celclus was lha warmest Dl» nanl has ever been slnca 1947', A monthly call to her parents m Pan Elqm arm waeklv letters tram home kept McCullnch uu-to-dale on tier 'aml- ly and allownn her oarewis ld‘ plan n Irip to Dmarll last Marcii McCulloch salo she also tladlhe url oorlunliy ol eKDerlenClnq sev'eml oll lL’lelll aspects at culture v lh ilrt other etchahge students tram Bllllsll Cnlombla Australla Arizon; nmi Idaho ; Ltlestvles in Dlnanl a‘i‘ not m'llu Continued on Page 12% Dl [Ur an ,v ll,” Yll ll nu. ltrr l‘.\tll7l'-v",l rll.» Rutter! [Ills > n u a ,l r ll r DR. MARY MCCULLOC has lolned his pra((i(e 3757 335') :1 Continued from Page 7A country. she said. but towns are glametrtcally closer together lrt elglum i "Famliias are a lot closer in Belgium I noticed. but hell much aiL lérent than ours." McCulloch mntarked. “Although I did noltca that lhay have a bad atlllude towards Americans." ' McCulloch snld that she was Inllial- i viewed as an American, not a Carin- anr bul she sald they did not identity Canadians are being any dltlareni than Kmarlcans. A Any lelsure tlme was spent wlth har . Mend: or learning to rnake sllk scarves lrom her host lamity, : Durmg her stay ln Betglum, Mc- Cullth travelled lo Italy twice East and West Berlln, Cologne, London. Francs, Switzerland and Austria "I loved Austria, it was |usl beaulllul." shE Said 'Bul travelllrlg through East Berlin was a very dll> terent experience " The exchange students visited a Supermarket In East Berilri and lound lhfi ouallty ol the products to be very poor "It was sort cl daprasslng in East Berlin. It wasn‘t a very Inertle mane." she 5an ‘But lt gives you a leelmn ol .til‘lal these people had to llve with every day ' Using a punllc washroom or even a washroom m a restaulant cosl dfiyw’lele tram 25 [D 35 cents Many d‘iltererll Valifilles at Deer are the Iyptcal drink in Europe as ll ls cheaper '0 buy than bottled wa'err .chh‘ls lheir second dllrllt nl Lholce. StrICE (lldmr‘lrv lap wate' ls not con lsu'l'lmed On her lasl .tay ln Dlnaht. Mc- Cutlach was men a qflodbve party Irl her honor wllhovalfio peopicln alter dawe .l of optometry “it was really sad to leave Evan/oral rbut'i think we'll see each olher againl some day ‘ she said. "I was a bit ho'mb r .slck the last month I was more and was really glad to be coming homer" l Loadad down wlth three carrycrl's 'and two sultcases Mcculloah said tho “l M Ilrst titlng she old when aha armed 'homs was “go to McDonald‘s." He! .Sullbases were titled with tan- tliizmg chocolates and candles authentic places at the asrlln Wail‘ perlumed soap tram London and lace trorrl Bruggo. . Although she would onioy Ifitltal'ng to Europe at anytlmsiniha lulure. Mc Cutlcch salt] Australia would be her next dasllnallon ln order to see other exchange sludants silo met ill Belgium Although Joan McCulloch unéw her daughter was helng well taken care ol In Belgium, 3 trlp to Dinanl in March served to prove that aspect, "We knew she was bean well taken care at. but l inlnk she was a blt spolt ed by nar host tamllles‘" Jaarl mused ‘We‘rl: really giau she‘s home again“ Mary wlll oa oresentlng several slice shows and dlscussluns ol tier ex change to Several alt-l Clubs, church groups and Womens' lnslltutes tor the next tew weeks botore returnng lo Saugeon District Secondary School lnr he! grade t2 year. I "I would recommend the program to any student,“ McCulloch sald "Not l mapy 16 yearo‘ds are given Iris lype all ODDCrlunIty ln their lileiimes'

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