LUKE local News Shoreline Beacon Tues. May l9. 2009 5 Brucedaleccelelti'ates 15 years Tl: Bruoedale Press. a voice for area authors since 1994. celebrates its 15th anniversary with an open house at its Pon Elgin oï¬ice this Thursday from 7 to 9 pm. Riunded as a divisionof Broad Horiwns Books. it has brought to read- ers more than 40 lilies. all with strong connections to the Queen's Bush and Bruce Peninsula. From the ï¬rst Shomvord: collection reflecting lake Huron to the most recent Why Not." memoir of the former Teerwuier News owner Carolyn Muir Helfenstein, time books oï¬er family reading, Other fills range from the pictorial WMAmlambmrkr to novels and nonï¬ction for young adults At the open house, the rte-launch of Harris of the Queen’s BiLrh, now in its third print- ing. will be a highlight Also launching that evening, The Leaf WORK insue. feanrring winners from the moth annual acrostic story conmt. The Brucedale Press has carried out its commitment to enhancing the professional~ ism of writers by holding dozens of work- shops, including the annual day-long Authors in August. Well-known writers including Susanna Kearsley, Robert J. Sawyer. and Betty Jane Wylie have been among the pie- senteis. The twrce-monlhly Writeis' Round grimy/Vi: % Table oilfch feedback and coachbrg by an eipenenced editor. The Unit which began as a newsletter. has expanded tujoiurial [orrnut giving opportunities for writers from Bruce. Grey and Huron WILDLIES in two issues it year available by subscription “With lht‘: enthusiasm of authors and the suppon of independent book- sellers, we havan able in put stories from hcre in Ihe hands of readers in many otherplaees," said publisher Anne Judd in a release. Everyone is welcome to join Judd and fluli’lfll‘" for reading reminiscing and refreshmcnu at 6&6 (‘ del'iEh Street in Port Elgin :rsï¬Ã©er V 5 K4,; 7 _ no 125- ear-old board and batten church at Mennonite corners ‘ as demlhlished in less than one hour Thursday morning. Ar right. it shown as it was betore demolition. WlLtV WATERTON The Sun Ttmas but llttiinhiim Ml leil, plldt\ litittxt‘l an hum: rm morn \LUHL illusfmlur nut accuptcdthe\halltnuclrurcatctht‘.imw‘l, tor the 201th ll'\l tn tllt’ fall or lttr H« tlllnctl‘r lll\ rumba .m mm {mutt-flint it Another IPM First linguist who, ill of mm H it‘tll ilit l- tit-'tt- ‘l .i illn‘i Hit or t. amountnirti umn Mm imimi it; i o Iiniicrxttituluii J \ll M pl m. Dl’t‘ilblll‘.‘ \tul thin u t\‘l[lll|1l’t‘t’ mm m. This \urr. Ill \\ hill s anothzr IP\| ttnl "i the original tirtunrk nt ml; il’M pmrgt lk berm: dlldlrlllt’tl ull lull w ll \l t: \l‘llll \umwm r t n \n utilinz summit u.“ llll lmtll~ Ii-l4t7 l. \ugim and durum tin 5. not News / {Masons get support for CHIP program pro c e s s p in - vides a dramatic, time-sensitive recovery tool for authorities. Parents are urged to gather pertinent infer, mation about lutintliul Ill writ. Shoreline Brown Tut», Dumber 1“, 1mm . No parent wants to believe that the unimaginable could happen to them, though nearly 55 children are reported missing to Police in Ontario every day (164 every day in Canada). l According to Canada's “Our Missing Children" network and “Ontario Child Find." a current good quality photo is the single most effective tool in locating a missing child. Parents are encouraged to their child prior be prepared by assembling their child‘s to the event such photos and viral infon'nation ahead of time. as . an e merâ€" Enter MasooCHIP Ontario (Child gency contact identiï¬cation Program) â€" deemed “one of name, address the: most comprehensive child recovery and phone mm and identiï¬cation programs in the nation" hers, distinguish- iiy The National Center for Exploded and ing marks and Missing Children brought exclusively to scars. allergies. Ontario Lamilies by dedicated Masons free medications, and ofchnrge. parents work, Sponsored by the Grand Lodge A. F. cell, and other & A. M. of Canada in the Province of phone numbers. Ontario. the MasonCHl'P Program consists and the child's of ï¬ve major com ents â€" digital photo- height a n d '; ' ' '7 '; digital ï¬ngerprints; weight. Security vital child informal n; andadental bite and privacy impression or Intra _ ral Swab for DNA. are of utmost The photographs, v en, ï¬ngerprints. and importance. All child data are burned onto a CD. that is information and comparible with Amber AlerL The den» specimens are ta] impression provides a virtual diagram collected on site. of the child’s biting surface which like processed, and Masor elping “Haw-v“ 3?; Receiving on behalf of the Masons of Ontario are, from the left, Murray Hoover. Garry MacGregor and David Madill. A$10,000 donation presented on behalf of the Society of Energy Professionals IFPTE Local 160 - Bruce Power Local by Rob Stanley. Ron Duncan. and Ken Martin. nt‘tuu m Th: nnlv ‘iFm rpmmml hi never need in IIQr ti " AB