â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" 2 Shoreline Beaum TuL's ‘ December 1;. 2009 Smith uncontes MM: Snth Plum NJ I hnuld be spread amunr! I m «h Ih: mm munlupdh'w- many In: mule" cu m: l Ihml 1! gm». hm nu yr:va rm mum:le ml .1 “Mm Ihnw: ‘ ‘mmrmmc ‘Alnng Mull lbs! I Ann I undtrdnml ll rI-jvwll Magnum mu! HL mmh ln m: «hangs» mm]! In the .rlnh-m prawn 0th small! snarl m w ‘ .mncllung man hamlch m. rm] mm» -InLC Aflhllh‘dmllllllll nu». m." ll real! mm Varn- II l'.|m_ ,‘val wuv II IIâ€) In Hu HI \yl In H†('rmw uln mm l-l‘I News! 7 ted after Kraemer drops out mm :1: only cighl munclllon ‘ He's rccummcndmg lhal 1h: nutgumg wardtn ht: barred anm mung in: the nu. Walden, unsung .m mid number nl cI-gxhl: \Mcn Am] Juudmg m \ulu La“ mu n (ml Ihrl'c lulluh lu :lcu Swth Hm“ my... nun ï¬rm: “may: ‘umlh h s 1575“: wlcnn ul mur nlupul pal-m“ Thu n rm rim lcrm un uman wumll u "I Ml")ch Lmrrj‘ I hum hnu dllluull Ihax Wlll‘h‘ h: In! hurl m dn um mdl .Ipplcualv; mhnl he Jud .\ml ulll ulan m (nmrt rm mppufl {M 1010' um 5mm: lune: Alunng lhr lnuugulfl mccung ul‘ \ uum n Rmnh mum] down a requud by huh-mm In .Im'mlnl hlm lH hull up lhc hlghun. ulmmlllc: "ling m an 1hr: yrul hr d ban nu wunly mum-II h: hall n ~\ :r held a seninr ponlfczlio. A Hlï¬brcqucsl followed Smuh s appoint- mcm of Arum-Elderst Mayor Ron 05' In (ad u [hm Commlllec I MSiguhhmnuldpnol rclenl and lb: Issuc “us put m a drciamn by CDIIHCIL Krae- mcr\ bud was mined down by a vole of 5.] He Has appmmcd lo rapresenl [he “mm; on the Grey Bruce Health Unn )JIJ nf durecum. I '“In In: Inaugural spccch Smllh hsled \cvcml ploJECls mm are undcrway for In: mmmg yen Including conslruguqn oi acvcrnlvdozcn public housing umls m y El m. Pl‘rt‘m : personal level the Vafl'ordablv: hmmng unn lhul u going an In Saugscn Shunzx I\ wry :mpunamr ll's somclhmg lhdl vw know w: haw an ISSllI! With and If lhlb p10;ch goes well. "‘5 an c‘xamplc W: cm u»: m olhcr municipalities. he ï¬nd Vmuh sflld 1hr: biggest challenge (ac- mg cnuncil will bl: nu! year‘s budget. c~pccnlly «inm- mllaslnwlurc funding [mm ~cmor lcvels of government ap7 pear» m b: cuming w an and; ‘ "The pnmc mlnmer, . . nan! Jusl yesr ludm‘. UsL‘ um xlimulus money or lose ll They .nre snarling l0 look a! ways of cuumg hack on lhau: dcï¬Clls. We won! s. l . . .. OLYMPIC SPIRII M’ 5055 mm m Immu- tum An... “Hump. wum llmIlmJ m n «mm m ,1 Mmunn nppcnunny lanl Tuosdny .r- 'llllnrir Olympian Klmhmly “labia-0n. uonnn. spout: HI SUSS «Dom hm Imus .qu |m|lrlnyn m. an :lmulum lI‘NOlll Boluw mo Mmmbllns ma wm. [Illlvml by I-uuqmm Shum'. mnym Mlko Smlh. loll and Pnlalympmn llnl- (in: :lummn) mu mil rmunm mu Imnl lovch commmoo wvll b0 solllnq llmlm) Hm : mnmu Mmer Sun ulnry Page 5 Bruce seeks wind turbine health study llx Ill-\l'mmu ,\I x \l. nu Illm" l nunh u mllmp v-u lhr prmmu- In «In!» Ihr 'n‘JllIi rllrl h ul \\ Iml Imhlnn Ilu- l'nnllul' hm '«lll‘l‘ll m." lhcv m- nnl gmug n. «In .| Imam umh We n‘ mllll)‘, m cm.» w lbmn mm m. lam lmyum: In." Ihm vull (In m unlqrmlml null» lm Illr hmltlu uilkcnh llul .m- mu lhcn‘ mm and Ivmullh l‘l“\ll Ihv Imnl‘ an] Mull"! kmlnu Hum-l Mlll’h luulun |\\-nl,m'-. mmm lymlm h.“ nhlml [lust \lwrn mud Iullvlnm llr‘. llmul llw \Ivlhcnh (ll MHIK ul lhe Nunknh m hu nunnulmlm “l‘hcu- aw .u lul ul mnhlrnm um lhcn‘ and may.» dun}: hm xul In he llnm I'm-wk wmr pm- I) cmupclhu; mulcnu‘ lllhl I nluul hum nhn i~ gum; In .In lht \Iud). ' smd warden 11:" “MIL mull-l h: pm In! lhmugh Luc- I .Inul m- nhv um Lawn†dwal-l p.“ In! “mum-n; um lh: {Inmate should pa) 'ur' a“, mm and Um" uld In: mld nus In: lum‘ u lk ncu "mun; nl lhc wank-u ul soulhwmu-m ()numv m «A mm mppou lm [Inn-r ('uunly \‘ rrqucd [m .o pmum ul «Indy ‘1! l A puwmcsv-Id: pmblsm.‘ M uld Hlu‘e (1113:4an Sound MI‘P Bull Hunk-(h pm lumml a 19:0an m lh: ymum‘lnl klnlnlurr In Lul- (Ml-M ulllng [w n nu-nhmum 1m mud lmn lk‘fk‘f‘flk‘n' nllnl uh: puma-x \ duel m:de on. ‘1: ul new. uwld asun- lb: pm-mmem that m» hmu An»! allch ll: lknllh ul Furl: Imn. mum ll vnn mud darn. - hc unaflccled lnr sure." he s‘anL l‘nlummnn Iumcu uuwn a \uL c~lmn m mgm Shams muynr Mxké Smith nu! lhr wml lurhlm' Indmm he .nlmd lu dmw m lhc UM ml .1 ‘Iudi. mung n mum cumpmmm- lhc Indupsndcllw Ill ‘IIH and) 8“th Jgrecx \Illh olhcrwunclllnh mu lhm- .m- 4 numhcr ul mun hung mm} In pcnl‘k‘ whn clam! lhc} m aflcrlud hv mml huh-mu But I'm him If) a quuxlmn ml uhu \nll m» III! we)â€: mull WINE: he ml‘hpullcd mg ml Io! councxl len‘lll’llk‘lllv ‘ ‘ ‘ llllllfpvllli'fllfluth' | mu m “mun†m Thu rnmnu- n mung Ihc [‘0'le ahqu w?!ch :ll Mud L‘llfl’g)‘ should go through Ihc l :m-n lzncrg) .-\cl I think llw) hm‘c «umr (ranxlhhll In see th lllcw .crrnhv‘m .llddrcsxrd.' Smith said I < nn) wmd Iurh -~ w...“ w... Man; .0 mfg»? 33.3535 :rhl-«n gum Io IM CAW I'm a mud Em we (or II\ educnuun tcnln- In Pnn l:l- Klmndmc mu 0! - - n n».- chmr nf lhcÂ¥re§$2ufï¬$h§ [who Mun! “l dim-Ion. ruled on] hlvm 3 Huh June by [he health unit He um 12):" wnkrn mm Dr Hucl Lynn 1hr medium! 331ch nl health and “I: told him menu's might: lroturhailudy. m' I “ml mane: 7Spuc¢nlol and“; (mm m: province. The n! ILI W! n W’ (rubyth :3 Daimly cwncib. [Illon (Junie 3W mmammnminsmcm: com