mum-x. _, “=1 w z ' > p sw‘g _quz~‘s,_l~ 51» v Hum 41 Rlv‘llt‘ll by J, E. mehlm mmmhmr lw r‘er'lw. 7mm uwr mm. IM. 1"?va W W iCaunty pioneer, his famlly and fnends clear the land around his ï¬rst CObll‘l. His nearest neighbor lives perhaps 10 miles away, the nearest mill as much 05 lSO l'rlllES dismnt, Alded by a slurdy team m‘ oxen he and his frlcnds haul the Fellcd trees. , . Mme/gym ,, ///////,/ a/lzf’ // j > I! , rm m (xnrl numpmw Lm, Toronto. .mm M .7. I}. [AM/17Hâ€! puwmmr m I: which centred around the ï¬replace in the kitchen. = Pionee's worked from Sun to sun cnd later, for the eve- nmgS were gyven over to mending and household chores Warmth from the fire dried upplPs and vegetablel. ‘ PAGE 4â€" : r (dam lea-Ml