St. Andrew's WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Book 13: Annexation, 1993-2002, p. 5

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Westminster citizens voice their opinions _ WESTMINSTER â€"â€" Ratepayers got a chance to speak their -‘ mind Monday on the impending demise of their town following . annexation by London. effective Jan. 1. The views expressed at a council meeting exposed a deep rift in the community: D "The (annexation) decision Is an imposition on our lifestyle. It » mmmmorm mheveandwlllhave. As some- one said at a previous hearing, farming Is e lifetime occupation, not a 10-year oodlpatlon. i want to see my council tell the gem- ment toput this report where the sun don‘t shine. " â€" Vic Mitrow. D "i would welooinelust gettingon with things, to move on to positive things . . . . Let's stop the sandbox mentality that's been going on mound hare. Lot's communicate and get something done. Let's geton with it. let‘s turn the othelcheek." â€" Don Bilyea. D "There's been uyeers of. . . and Wine" ltergulng . . . . Now we’vegot one male chance to get things dyit. We’ve got to seize Meoppomlnltynowendmekesure wegetthebestdealwacan. if we keep our heads in fire sand, we won't get in good deal, we'llgei more arbitration." â€"~ Ken Romanuk. D "I love this mwn like it was firmly and its member of my famv Ity was raped, i wouldn’t lay down and say ‘tum the outer cheek.’ i think in be damned mad and i think i'd fight it. People here have been short-changed In the arbitration process. This council should do whatever ltcen to getback what It is the people «Westminster were trying to build here. " â€" Dave Burtwistle : :l “The ‘erbl-traltor's'declslon, as l cell it, was a shock to every- one. l'm sad to see our mayor trying to beposlthle ebwt something sosed. .. thetownls abouttooeesetoexlst Weheveerlghtto self-determination and should be able to do what we want and not be dletated to by a large, urban centre. " 7 Murray Ferguson. :l “They mlght as well stop their arguing. l'ni fed up. It's time to carry on with things. You're not going to stop progress. People think they’re gonna have sidewalks and gutters running up and down their concessions, but things aren't going to change . . . it‘ll justbe someone else govemlng. Ourtexes ere dear enough now. we might as wellget some city service." â€" Cliff Carrolhers Jr. said after the meeting. â€" Compiled by Steven Heipel FRIDAY. December 4. H199 OFFICIAL FLOWER DEBATE Readers pick daisy over peony by 44-27 margin But a few chose something entirely different and a couple wondered why they should Choose anything. By Sandra Coulson "'ll' Linnhni l'rui' l‘ri-w " l n \vuni'ini: u pl‘til’ly in twin- iiini‘lf mid (tl’lll' l'nnis. Hui tlii- i-nmmuntx \Vi-i‘cn'l till .u-wmw. “It I‘lt'lltllik i‘titiid ht» iii~I .n t'iiiriil llll' lili‘ll' UWII thilll'l) iil' lliiwvi l‘n |Lii';iiilii.i.~.i- ihi- lilil‘ i‘iinii‘diiin \\‘ L ill‘lti\. "(innit duiav. | nmliiii “ \‘us. It WAN illt‘ Nihlxlii ii\' mun: (him ii litfild iii .1 tiillv ul [hr in illi\\‘|’l‘ itilis whii lillliilt'tl in iii‘u‘d liii- liintliin ln-v “IPNN \\'llh li'ii'il liltilti‘ ilil militia] llinwi tli Iiiitdiiii , Illl\l- ililiil’\-lluill lilt'\ Il‘iflhll‘lt‘ti ihrii \‘H‘K‘K tin .i liim'i-n' I Iiiiit l’ hitiiiilil ii In- iIii- “ah- * llt'iN liiiii Kw llll' \Imm trim .tI. The Shasta daisy has \lihilllilliili ml'sr Il'ilti} litt‘ lithit'lli‘ been called a weed, wilgL‘K. ll Wu Ptlili “I \‘I‘xlnill'hii'l .I gm "'3 also bean Fdw.” ii O'Nril lilu‘ll \Iiltli In In “\uI-liiki'n ii'. illil‘ll'\illillil‘ in \hllliiii ll iii‘ lilt' Ill‘tiny. lilt' li--\ In! linwrr ul lnnr [ilill Iiiit illli‘ ‘ytinit‘tllV Il‘\I(]|fl1iil'I\‘l‘ liikvii tn li'lt‘li iil'iii’l' [hit l‘ltiilijl ltJi‘lli' in ii‘it‘ (tilt‘ll' lilili ml I uniliiii itin’llti lli llIlllllli lhlx \wi-k. l lILII1i'*)' ul .i \ilflfll‘xv nun Imm Hiimm \Hlillllt'll" HIL’I \‘.-»I_ win III lhl' \Vlwlmtlhll‘i mum. .inil I'ii' il.|ll|l Ilii lilt‘ ,liillililll' t'lu‘m-i wits nii Iill- IIIILil ili’l' l‘tl‘sx lilii\ il tux tin: \Ii.i~i.i il.ii~.\ 27 [Ill iii: iimm. im- \\’i'ili had lili‘L'l' tug. wwtiiinmintlthiwwhuwmi till- i. illuil itl'lVlilll' um Wdhill‘l): Illl‘it‘ tin li'llx 1w: liumhuiix .iiliiiill} nip gusivd tin,- \kililk i :ihhiiiiu tis Lin upprtipriuit mum liii yuuh. ansivizied ilic zinii~ ilaisy liiciiim, I’HIVP Viill eVr-I‘ \lilL'iiCLi a bhusla tiuhv'.‘ "Pennies have u fragrance that's lovely. ’Ihe hhnsm daisy smells funny when you pick it." said l\i.‘iiiL‘ Elain. Arid Louise Weekes \aid,“My vote is definitely for the penny as the Shasta daisy is a weed." called clean, pure.look. VUI'kt' ing. hardy and Upright. Ihl: penny, we were ‘UltL lN _]".i min-ii iiiiiru .Kl'tlll'ii' nintll‘i' " _] "preiiii-r :ind it hilh a Full” " _J".i miiit- tild- . lithium-ti ri-guL lylu: limp. " (inc l'll)‘ mun- t‘IllIil' wni Ill .i iiyiiiii \uiw Im. illlt' In ill‘ iiitinletl ‘ iti lili‘ pull lint I| lliii Ilii- Ii.ll\)‘ t rnwd itlld us lhuir lilVlli'Ilt' _i at lii‘igltligi. [ilfl'ixlt‘L hm» hm and I lilidllfl wuld use it ilir ili- hit in lilill “ J"Ii;i.~ \UYIII‘ Litl\\ " _i”i\ .. my limit “mi lung i.|\l|nl.{ 'Inw-r _|' \lullLiN \lltlluhl :inil ,uuuti " _l"i~. hardy. upright. limit and \piiizhllv” J'xu )lllil.’ and \\‘i’li|t: .iiid ll itish .i lung. lllilL‘ " Mime \‘till'i\ ll'll'HililiH‘fi imit- ills il\ ti l't‘uNtlI’l ll) itivur ilw \l‘iihln iiiilw 'llhiiik II'~ tilm 1i nlL‘t‘ flt‘hlul'u in Westminster" \Llld Militiii Bur». Added Pauline Nzinni "ii grows beautifully iiy the thou- hands in the uninvin-hc-new Fie'ldsnl London and it would be ii hilLll'Lt: iii pride for all til us," There's always the compro- misi- suggested by Rosemary Ntlrl‘lési “l'm against annex- uiiuri, so i think Westminster should keep the Shasta and London should keep the penny."

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