"FOREWORD" I am so glatl to hem that [ha Wmucn'a Institute: til Ontario ate going to compile village hutory butvk' E‘L‘llth move Very fast nowadiys, houses ate punt-t1 dawn, u w fund: are made, and (In: uspccl of thc ctiunttymh- chungct com- pletely sometimes in a shell tame. It is a most uselhl and saliafying thalt fui Wumcu'a Inï¬ll- tute members to see that nothing valualflr lust m lotgottt‘n. and women should be on the alert ul\ 5 lo gum] thu traditions of (hit homes, and (U see that watei uilmu slutcht‘s and 1mm, poems and prose legends shqud ï¬nd that “fly into these books. The uldest people in the village m1] tell it; fascinating stones of what they iemembei, which the ymmgei member; can write down, thus making a Midge between them and events which happened befme they was bull]. Aftel an it is the history nt hummtity which is tmtti Hy httiwsting to us, and your village histories will be the b4 ‘ at ht-mrute tam much valued by hismn‘ans of the futm- I All) proud to think that you have. called them “The 'l'wcedsuwir Village Histories". 7VVriltt’n by may Ttt-p.xttt.n....»,