WALKEHTON EVENING INSTITUTE . In Feb. 4th, 1910, the Young Women's Institute of the District of East Bruce was organized by Mrs L.G. Crazier, Mrs W.A. Tolton, District Director, Mrs I'm-I. McBurney, president of the Walkerton Women's Institute. II'he first officers were Mrs Norman Crozier president, vice-president, Mrs WHO» Schmidt and ecretaryâ€"Treasurer, Mrs Chester Cunningham. It was decided to be called "Y sung Women's Evening Institute. Seven ladies were present for the organization The first meeting was called for Feb. 11th, 191+7, with 21 present at the I.0.D.E. room in the Town Hall. At the May meeting Mrs Lloyd Cartwright. was elected to the office of Secretarfï¬htrï¬asurer. nly th ,gresident and Secretary turnee up or t e Septem er mes 1 5‘ Fee was 25% until April 1949, and then up to 50¢ Meetin s were held ever second Wednesda y of the month untgl March 1949, thin every second Tuesday. M tn 3 were held in the .O.D.E. room until Janna ry ignigthen the first meet ng in a home was at Mrs Gha rles McNaughtons. Collection was first taken up June, 1948. First press re orts were ut in the coal ‘per The Walkerton Hegald, in Nosember, 194%, by use are crazier. First programmes were printed in 1916-50. Each member had to pay 25¢ to pay for having them printed. Penny post cards were sent to remind the members of_meetings until March, 1951, when they started telephonlng. oldest members of our goug are l 1.7-â€"Mrs Wallace Nelson, Mrs Hay Taylor, s eotge cGregor. M d t l 8- "Miss Bertha Walker Mrs John_Wilcox Mrs e . Gar ir 9A‘Mrlsgl-larry Jermyn, Mrs Alex. Seigfried, Mrs Marie Campbell l950-51--Mrs Burt. Morrison, Miss Jessie Lilliccl Mrs Neil McDonald. 1952â€"â€" Mrs Clarence Thompson, Mrs Wm. Alexander. MEH 1948 19b9 1950 1951 1952 lgue 1949 1950 1951 1952 13111331351le Miss Margaret Fortune Miss Margaret Tortuae Mrs wice Miss Nora Crozier Miss Lora CPDZier VICE PRJ‘JIDEI‘H'Q Mrs Chester Cunningham Mrs Wm. Filsinzer Miss Nora Croziar Mrs John wilcox Mrs John WilCOX SECRETARY TR SASUHJHJ‘ l9u8-19a9 Miss Jessie Hyniman 1950 Mrs Marie Campbell 1951â€"1952 Mrs Jec McGregor.