A message to all Women '3 Institute members ï¬'am the Safe & Healthy Communities Committee DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS? The following success stories may give you some ideas. COMMUNITY POLICING COMMITTEE (Middlewx County) In Mount Brydges, the community police ofï¬cer recommended a liaison between the community and the police. The Women's Institute, Lions Club‘ Lioness Club. Royal Canadian Legion, Masonic Lodge, Ministerial Association, Friendship Club for Seniors, the elementary school. Citradoc Township and Pathï¬nders all got involved. The township provided an office. the Pathfinders distributed newsletters. and others donated ï¬tnds for a computer, printer and air conditioner. The conunittee organized a child identiï¬cation program and a Neighbourhood Watch Program. By neighbours looking out for each other, vandalism and the“ have been reduced, 911 SERVICE (Grenvtlle District) Bishop's Mills WI encouraged a letter writing campaign to the local and County Councils to develop :1 9| 1 emergency service. A 91] Committee was set up by the County to plan and implemenl the service by July. I996. To others planning a community project the committee recommends "never (1‘1"!an anything is being done. Do your research, Don‘t give up.“ COMMUNITY HALL (Norfolk County) The community hall in Marburg needed a kitchen and bathroom facilities. Community members and the Women’s Institute worked together to locate a house with an addition about to be demolished This addition was moved to the back nftltc community hall and is now used as a kitchen and 2 bathrooms Working together. the committee served lzrunches and suppers. paying ol‘ftheir loan in R years Since then. they hate installed a new furnace and insulated the building “ll'wu get people working together anything can be accomplished " I‘l CAN†THERAPEUTIC EQIJ ESTRIAN RIDING ASSOCIATION (Niagara Region) A farm and animals were made available to help exercise physically disabled children and adults, helping their balance. coordination, muscle tone and their self-esteem, The community. the Women‘s Institute, occupational therapists. physiotherapists and many volunteers have worked together to make this it successful endeavour. “As a need is recognized, creative answers may be the solution.“ In this case. the cost is minimal to users. and no government assistance is required HEALTH AND AWARENESS LECTURE SERIES (DuITenn County) The Salem Women's Institute worked with a health foods store and an altemative therapies clinic to organize a series oflecturcs an electromagnetic pollution altemative therapies, herbs and indolngy. nutrition and stress. and boosting the immune system This was a new idea to the community and it was difï¬cult to sell tickets The number or people attending increased m; the senes progressud Have you a story of how your group addressed or is addressing community needs? Send it to the Safe {1 Healthy Communities Committee.