WHAT IS A SAFE & HEALTHY COMMUNITY? w A community is a town, a neighbourhood, a rural county, a group of people living in the same place, sharing common interests and a sense of identity. A healthy community is influenced by the physical and social environments in which we live, so that economy. environment, lifestyle and social climate have as much effect on our health as medical care. A healthy economy requires mcome and employment A strong economic base provides opportunities to earn a fair livmg. Environment includes water, good air quality, waste management, green spaces, safe streets and caring neighbours. The health and welfare of the community is delicately balanced on a Sustainable, clean and safe environment Human health requires resources for physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health and an adequate health care system. A human component gives meaning to our lives. Our social climate involves transportation, housing, education, arts and culture. A social base provides essential services and opportunities to grow and interact. ACTION PLAN . Get started. I Respond to the needs, challenges and opportunities in your community. I Identify the limits and size of your community. I ’l alk to others who are aware of theses needs, challenges and opportunities I Form a core group of leaders (Women’s Institute) to organize community action. Get organized. I Invite the key organizations and individuals (govemment, church, education labour, employers, the unemployed, business, professional associations, service clubs, volunteers, environmentalists, health care proiriders, cultural groups. youth, seniors) to meet together. - Share information. ' Clarify the goals and purposes of the gathering. I Consider asking the Rural Conununity Advisui from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to facilitate your organizational meetings. Develop a plan. I Establish long-term goals. Establish the objectives of the project Prioritize the needs, the most pressing first. Get the facts together. Explore all the possibilities Lise the resources and strengths in the community to develop a plan. Get things done. Stan wrtli something small Build community spirit. Form networks or partnerships between groups. Work towards a major project. Assign responsibilities to each participant. Adjust the plan as needed keeping in mind the long-term goals. How did we do? I Evaluate. Take a look at how the team is working together, whether the project is meeting its long-term and short~term goals. I Celebrate the success. If a Job is worth doing, it is worth celebrating. This builds more community Spiril and a desire to continue. SAFE & HEALTHY COMMUNITIES PROJECTS In November, 1996, the FWIO Provincial Board decided la undertake andprumote lheï¬illuwmg. C.A.N. DO: The Movement for Clean Air Now Did you know that the majority ofns spend 90 "/o of our time indoors†That's where the air could have the biggest impact on our health. YES YOU (IAN TOO! - a campaign to rid your home of pollutants Contact The Lung Association 1-800-972-2636 to obtain their ("loan Air Now kit Call lean Baker (613-389â€"0676) to learn how Kingston Area Initiated their project. Ontario Breast Screening Program One in 10 women in her lifetime will develop breast cancer. This is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women The older the woman, the higher the risk. The Ontario Breast Screening Program helps educate and empower women ll) lalu’: control of their health. Mary Lou Norton, FWlO Program Coordmator. and die program committee are preparing an informative program for branches. Watch for it. Parenting Skills Dialogue with groups who work with parents and children (child care workers. youth leaders. etc.) Meet with Family Studies teachers; raise funds to provide Baby Think 1/ Over for the classroom Offer mentoring and sharing skills to groups or individuals who need someone to talk to. Work with 4-H clubs, such as On Your Own, or offer babysitting courses to young people. Work with Health Units offering Parenting m [he 90s programs. Adopt a Mom, or a single parent family Call Vlary lanes (519â€"786-55 I l] for details. Medication Booklet Medical information should be kept together in booklet form and readily available in case of cmcrgcnc) it needs l4» include the drugs that a person is taking, possible allergies and family medical history which can unpac )n treatrnen. Mary Lou Norton, FWIO Program Coordinator, is preparing a booklet to satisfy the needs (all her at 01 ‘v-W‘ -052 Other Suggestions To combine centennial celebrations and the FWIO focus. consider a centennial flower bed or planting 100 bulbs. lUH trees. or l00 shrubs in a community park. SUGGESTIONS FOR PROJECTS AND PROGRAM TOPICS The ï¬illowing keyword suggestions may Slllflll’al? imitativerflir lllfD/‘mflllw,’ program and treat/w phi/ECU 1996 Health addiction and Substance abuse; alternative remedies: development of children and youth: emotional health health can system; health risks; mental health. physical healdi: quality oflife; reproductive health. menopause. spiritual health. ett 1997 Social Climate Affects Safe d: Healthy Communities abuse; arts, child care; citizenship; culture; education. equality of sexes; family structures; hemage. housing. luSI'ICZ arm: lifelong learning; literacy; pornography; poverty/welfare; publiclcorrunuiuty participation and interaction :uclal sal’en nets; social services; recreation/leisure; responsibility; rural/urban planning: transportation. T\‘ Violence. rural urlun planning; etc. 1998 Safety: flow In Make our Communities Safer bicycle safety; Block Parents; car/travel safety, community safety audits. deceptive telemarketing fami safety. food saletr ï¬â€˜aud; Highway Help; Neighbourhood Watch: Operation Lookout; parole system: personal safety. pesnordcs’msecucrds: safe home checklist, Smart Risks; etc. CONFERENCE ’98 theme: Safe & Healthy ( 'ommumrter 1999 Economic Fuaarsfar a Safe d: Healthy Community agritourism; employment standards; entrepreneurship; global marketplace: gross national product: Ll’lCOlTIC prospenn . infrastructure; innovations/technology; investments; productivity, resources; standards of livuig. standards .vi' training/education; sustainable communities; trading practices; work environment, etc. 2000 Environment aerosols; agricultural practices; air quality; biotechnology; conservation, ecosystems; energy. genetics. grccn spaces. pollutants; pollution prevention; renewable/non-renewable resources; waste inanqemcnt, waste reduction. water issues. wildlife/natural habitats, etc.