WOMEN‘S iNS'flTUTE VOLUNTEER HOURS RECORD (where you represent FWIO) E II Run-a Nmmou ram :\vanMR‘ooVom\bnanIi-ntn lrrr a OCT NOV DEC JAN a MAR ACTIVITY 441 Club Leader; Council; Leaders‘ Association; Recreation Activitles; Achievement Activities: Workshops, Meetings, other Agriculture Agriculture in Classroom; Farm Safety; Plowing Match; OATl Committee; Environmental Farm Plan; AgCere. Agrilood; Rural Living Committees;Federation of Agriculture; Workshops, Meetings. Other HealthINursing Homes District Health Councils; Long Term Care Reform Groups; Breast Screening Committees; Canvassing (eg. Heart A Stroke); Rural Child Care Committee; Health Care Initiatives; Seniors' Associations; Other WI Health Commitments History/Museums Tweedsmuir Books; Genealogical Society; Historical Societies; Museum Volunteers; Hall of Fame Committees; Heritage Actlvilles; Workshops. Meetings. Other Leadership Courses altered by OMAFRA; Courses offered by FWIO; Regular Meetings; Executive Positions; Wl Committee Involvement; Other Wi Opportunities Fairs/Malls Fair Board Membership; Catering . Banquets/Lunches; Demonstrations; Dlsplays: Fundmlslng EducationISchools Home 5 School Association; Environmental ‘ Groups; Resolutions; Conlerences; Conventions; Workshops; Babysitting (For Wl reasons); Municipal Government Committees; Meeting Place Upkeep