mam-m“ . Mary Wand works on a uilt be' ' abofled babies. q Ing made to draw attention lo the number 01 A92 :4 Sacred Heart Church Walkerton icno 881-0692 Fax sebzasn PASTOR: FR Paul Remy PASTORAL ASSISTANT: Maryanne Euahkm Sept. 12 1999 Mass Schedule Sat 5:00 pm. Sun. 9:!10 8| I110“ 1m, 1. Falll‘l and Light. 531.. SeDlJ‘l. 1030 am. 2, 880. Sal . Sept. 11 . 6 pm, 3. Card parry, sun ,Sept, 26. 7 3n pm. 4 Rosary Sunday Pilgrimage to Martyrs Shrine.Sun..Seul.19 Trinity Lutheran Church Walkenon Paslmâ€"The Rev. Belh Conroy Pastor EmeritusrThe Rev. James a. Dookram SUN. SEPT.12,1999 16th Sunday after Penlecosl 10:00 am - Jr. Choir 11 a.m.-SCS, Worship with holy communion followed by barbecue Sec] 14. 8 p m VNI Corn» mnlccs meellrgs lnlmwmg church council Sum 15.7 30 p m mm pl i7-CilizO'1slIuley vhf» 13 Knox \ Presbyterian St. Paul‘s United Church WALKERTON Minister A Jenn S. Oeslreichlr SUNDAY September 12, 1999 Pentecost 16 11 am - Worship 11 a.m.-Sunday School Sermon: “What goes on in there?†Sunday school begins in all departments I1 yau dan'l um . :numn Mm ynu m welmm: in SL Paul's E Walkerton Baptist Church inlenm Paslnr‘ Ralph Eonnam 36772007 _Q.__._5Wn Keri 21 §§§ 11 am. Worship service “The Book of Works" V’nu .Hv Hmsl welcme lo came 5nr1\\orshiv\ .lmms IS Lmd Church 203 Clyley (al Calhame) WALKEMON 3814431 Illlbllm "IOUEIIIOV mu. Allin Fllsley an ass-7.144 Sunday, September 12, 1999 Worship service 10:30 am. Sunday school Nursery provided MMVWWYWMW Sum. mum-mmzmml wannabes momma: 'Cume la was?!†Ga Furl)! It) Scull" St. Thomas' Anglican Church Cm! June lnfl Colbem- s‘e, Walkerton church mam: 581-44“ nu. sunnn. Hallnnds. lnwlm arrest Sun. Sept. 12, 1999 Pentecost XVI 9:30 amâ€" Morning prayer September 22â€"chicken . c.†Jam as! near COME WORSHIP WITH GOD ~ FOR GOD ALL ARE WELCOME! Walkerton Pentecostal Church 851-1631 Senior Paslur Flay. Dun Forrest Sundiale 3m School for all ages 11 am. Morning worship services 7:00 p.m.â€"Gcspel celebrallon Wednesday. 7 p.m.r Pastor's bible sludy Friday, 7:30 pm.- Venguard Youth Miniser llr warmly mrm‘ ‘l'liu w worship with In ‘ LOCATION