Walkerton Young Women's Evening WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 8, [2004] - [2006], p. 11

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9:00 am 0:30:11“. 12:00 pm. MORNING SESSION Registration - Jackson 0 Canada Women’s Institute Ode ‘42.“)- Si‘.;w€lt't Coiled Welcome - Eden Grove~Cargill Minutes of2003 Rally Financial Statement Correspondence Business Roll Call â€" “Smile for the Day” Chairpersons Rt marks â€" Gunne Weber Museum Report â€" Mary Ann Kukoly Introduction of guests: Grey Bruce Area President - Barbara Carter . Rail Chai arson grad, ’yDor-Iili Plead/vim Institute Grace Noon Luncheon Call Doreen MaeAdam by Septi 21“ with number attending from your branch 392â€"83 52 Please bring cheque payable to Bruce County District for meals ordered AFTERNOON SESSION 1:15 pm. Sing Song‘ Kinloss Kairshcu W.l. Speaker; Rev. Jeff Hawkins Report ot‘Rosc workshop â€" Wanna Hamday Entertainment # Luelmow W01. Courtesies â€" JacLsm W .1. Adjournment Royal Anthem COMING EVENTS fiy Bruce Area Convention â€" Wiarton Meeting Place Oct 12, 2004 District Directors â€" March 3, 2005 - St. Johns Lutheran Church Elmwood District Annual â€" May ‘26. 2005 - Elmwood Community Centre Your branch new membership cards will be available at the Rally. Be sure to pick them up.

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