WALKERTON WI BRIEF HISTORY . . . On June 16th, 1901 the Walker- ton Women's Institute was or- ganlzed Just four years after the first Instituie was organized In 1897 at Stoney Creek. There were 27 members at the Iirst meeting when Miss Joan Rowena became the Iirst president. These charter members began the work of this Branch that through 50 years has carried out the Institute Motto "For Home And County". The Immediate cause for form lng the institue in Walksrton wa: that Mr.~ Wm. Moore had beâ€" queathed $15,500.00 to be used lor the building 01 a Bruce County Hospital in Walkegton. He had stipulated that the hospital must be constructed within live years. Two years had elapsed with no action being taken by the County Council. In 1902 a delegation of Institute members led by the president Mrs. Jean Rowand, met with the County Trust and pre- sented the need for a hospital. The Ilrst endeavour was to raise the required additional $5,000.00. They did this and the Bruce County Hospital was opened in Waikerton In 1903. The Walker- ton Branch maintained a private room in the hospital until In 1906 when the new addition was built. During the first World War funds were collected and placed In a War Work Fund and used Ior knitted parcels tor the boy‘s over- seas, and tar donations to many worthy causes such as; the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., Belgium Reliet, Prisoners of War, Merchant Mar- lnes, and the Field Kitchen for the Nat Battalion. A Memorial Fountain, honour- ing the War Veterans of 1914-18, was erected. by the Institute, In front or the Public Library In Walkerton. World War II found the Walkerton W.i. ready thus. under the direction of Mrs. Fred Graham. the members engaged in knitting and raising money for the soldier's needs. Numerous bundles of clothing and bedding were prepared and sent to'varlous organizations. The Walkerton W.i. was princ- ipally Instrumental in having a Cairn erected. In 1953, In the Walkerton Cemetry, as a mem- orial to the Pioneers of the district. The Walkerton W.I. has sent delegates and conveyor: to the District Rally each year, as well as attending the Area Conventions. In the F.W.l.0. the Provincial Board Is the governing body and the members are proud that Mrs. L.G. Crozler served on the Board in 1937, '38, 39 and Mrs. Bernice Carnean in issogssrsd I The WBIHGMWD ‘ 2 ‘ assisted at each Clinic, until 1967. ‘ Fair. ‘ tutes of Bruce. Accordingly, the "tute helped organize I’ stitute, placed Iodine , . schools, donated to; the Band uniforms, a flag tor the Boy Scouts, and donated to the build- Ing oI the Confederation Arena. Through the years numerous donations have been made to many worthy causes. In the local schools Scholarships were given to Grade 10 students for the highest marks In Home Econo- mics. Awards were given to Grade Vill pupils who showed the bestcltlzenshlp qualities. In 1952 aWeiI Baby Clinic was sponsored by the Institute and two members Quilts were prepared and sent tor the benefit or Participation Lodge. During the last 20 years the Institute has contrlbuted to,- Mental Health, Save the Sight, the Humane Society, LIttle- Royal During the summer months, the Walkerton W.l. members have taken their turn as hostess at the Bruce County Museum at South- ampton or have made a donation, or contributed by sewing and doing repairs. At the International Plowing Match in 1976. as the Bruce County W.l. had a Drop~ln-Cen- tre, giving inlurmatlon and havl ‘ ing displays, the Walkerlon IadIesM took their turns in serving the tea?“ coltee and cookies. The dl tingulshlng feature ol‘ that Plow Ing Match was the Bruce County Tartan which had become the _ property of the Women's Insti- .tartan caps were made by all the Institute members at Bruce and these caps were wore by the members of the Plowman's Asâ€" soclatlon. The history 01 the Afternoon Branch of the Walkerton Wo- men's Institute from 1901 to 1981 is contained In three Tweedsmulr History Books. The Curators have been: Mrs. Edith Harklay, Miss Jessie Kerney. Mrs. C. Remus, Mrs. E.W. Krampp and Mrs. Bernice Cameron. Th three Tweedsmuir Books have been taken to the Bruce County Museum and have been Micro- Itlmem The three habits and a scrap book are now instance at the Public Library‘tor ’oate‘ keep- In. gThe Alternoon Branch of the Walkenon Women‘s Institute has many memories to treasure. There has been the Anniversary celebrations - 25. 50. 80. 70. 75. 80. The 75 In 1976 was a special“. occasion when 20 ntembera at: tended a dinner at the Hartley; House. The year 1981 was th' ' Both Anniversary and It was last" celebration but it was memorable occasion for, although , we ware law, had. formed. vary“ deeplrle‘ndshlp's. r ' :- _r .. JVJE‘H‘L Howlerâ€"mam: feeling that it's members were too small to carry on, decidedto - amalgamate with the Evening Institute. OI the six members who joined the Evening Branch now In 1988 only three are lejt, Mrs. Ruth McBurney, Mrs. Cer- rle Wiles, and Mrs. Margaret Inglis. Mrs. Ruth McBurney is the only living member of the Life Mem- bers on the LlIe Membership Scroll. She is 92 years old. She has been President, Secretary and has filled most positions on the Institute Programs. She has been a member of the Institute for almost 50 years. She has many happy memories of her friends and special occasions spent work- ing together. The Valentines Tea and Bake Sale which was held every year at the Town Hall from 1959 to 71968 and Irom 1969 to 1973 at the Hartley House. The special Christmas dinner held every year at the Hartley House was an occasion of greatioy to the members, The Waikertoh Women's Insti- tute treasures a picture ofthe Ilrst convention held In Walker-ton In 1927 when 400 eegates were present. i~lt was ob d Women's In tlori. Maia-0.. Crawfordy iTere, was the Chairman and Mrs. C. Lamb, Walkerton, as secretary. Twenty Walkerton ladies dressed in 1901 costumes, highlighted the occasion. Mrs. Ruth McBurney Is the only living member of the 12 Life Members on the Life Member~ shlp Scroll. She is 92 years old. She has been a member at the ‘ Institute for almost 50 years and i has been president. secretary, and has filled most positions on the Institute Programs. i/nLgrflFl