5. -H‘ k 7 60 Q.â€"Do you really think that it A.â€"I really do. It is lighter work than ordino time and it does not require skilled labor. keeper in a matter of skilled labor. It tnke strength And who has the knack of e ousting and moving possible. Getting out the furniture breathing spell while she covers the p sweeps, gathers as much of the dirt together , _ pen and lenvee the dust she has raised of the woodwork, and presently she furniture, etc. You know the routine, the average man or maid into a room to fool ontisï¬ecl with the results, but of ordinary intelligence into n room be thoroughly swept. remove anything- {mm the roomâ€"w loose dust and dirt from the cnrpc back again, thereby greatly lessening THE REPORT OF THE out of the room all the sum The rnrunm olcnncr rnises no (lust No. 41 saves work? ry carpet sweeping, it saves The thorough sweep of the good house- 6 a women who knows how, who has the motio sweeping. She probably begins by 11 things and as much furniture as is heavy and trying work, but she gets o feces whi V not be taken out. Then she ‘ can, takes it out in the dust. oes so impartially on all ports e it 06 before returning the ‘ know that you cannot turn or a thorough snoop and expect yste to settle ‘ roturna‘ï¬g and r with orderedI you cnn two children of ten and twelve with n vacuum cleaner and feel that it will ; it is unnecessary to herehy much time and energy is saved; it lHkES t. but le is none of it escape to the nir to settle ihe amount of daily as well as weekly dust- ing. It is, therefore, a real lnbor~sn\'cr. not so much in the actual time occupied in sweeping, as through the nllmi of dust and wiping up of dust, w you may dust and set your room in that, if company nrrires in the perim- receive them with all serenity. notion of the terrible raising of dust, settling hich nrrmnpanios ordinary sweeping" With it under ï¬rst ï¬nd vnccum-clonn lust. knowing nuinco. you mnp- set the machine outside and Q.â€"Will it gather up anything but dust? A.â€"It will take up feathers, pins, enough to enter the slot. Q.â€"-Is it necessury to trike up th A.â€"One wonmn of m housekeeper, said recently. ‘ been vuouum-clenned weekly since up?" Another Says. “ Onr small I six months ngo: to see whnt the lluor was like. shake nnything out of the rug.†3‘ ac quain it was vncnunreleui The One Women's Institute tested a vucuuru cleuuer for themzvlve 'l‘l thut the agent should hring the m; meeting of the Institute. churches for the test. fll"__’1 church carpet woulil iln borrowed church appnremlv churches ï¬nd hi5 church . clean. The ngenr hrnuxht in r ï¬fty women trieel it. They emit n I cocoa matting in the vestibule; I" ’ had ever been even lml‘oro: they been taken on and the unmle M. was no further question pf i in two Clubs of women uuuh MW rent. [ :u ' My cor-rats are not coming up this full, sprl They “‘orr‘ no smnll buttons and almost nnylhiug small e carpets as often? lance, always considered .1 wry pnrricular They have no und I am sure they ‘10 not new] to come Way‘s l-eilronns hell :1 new won] :‘qunn‘ put down iexl weekly and I tool-z it up thx- other day l'v.‘ wus no dust under ii and m- (will not whine to the village nihl uln- lnng-h-leml DUDU' . Jm carpet, t' In guzr of the rui. l lmlh to nnrl rho fli-cir (‘lur‘mi'r inn ir irxl lin‘ mm-him- '- imu' Filil'll All!“ hayl ' l the women, There n power null the nmuhin» nix-l a ll _ inrmeuliuii-li' rr~v:lred ..r»i one in the for nirv-