The Sun Times, Owen Sound. Ont..'1"ucsday, October 23. 2001 B7 Women’s Institutes. ANNAN WI The September meeting of Annan Women‘s Institute at the home. ofBetty Gray included a “coffee break" to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society. A minute‘s silence was observed for the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist at- tacks. Retired teacher Mrs. Albert McLean spoke about literacy. She said illiteracy from K indergarten to Grade 6 is great and mosr crucial in Grades 1. Z, and 3 when children are about to read and write. She stressed how important it is to read to young people and to give books to children She said teachers use the rocking chair approach and use puppets and improvise “Dr. Seuss" NORTH GREY On Oct. 4, members of the North Grey Wl travelled to the Grey County Archives in the former Glenelg Town- ship municipal ofï¬ces. Paul White. archivist project managr er. conducted a tour. He‘will be the heritage coordinator at the new archive when it is built near Owen Sound. White described the type of material stored in various Vaults. and members were allowed to visit the Women's Institute vault. There is a reading room available for public use. items like old municipal records and newspapers are stored on Site. This past summer a Community Access Program (CAP) was put in place and lessons are available to the pu hiic. KILSYTH Sharing plans for Thanksgiving was the roll call answered by members of Kilsyth W] at a recent meeting. The branch received a letter about Commencement at the OSCVl and West Hill Secondary School on Nov. 9. Nadine Johnson from DSCVI will re- ceive the award for female student in family studies awarded by North Grey Women's Institute. Bonnie Prevost reported on the suc- cessful catering endeavour at the Celtic Fesoval Tea Tent. .lnnice Reid said North Grey's rair cn~ try had won first place at the Owen Sound and Desboro Fall Fairs and .‘ oiid prize at the Chaisworth Fall i Penny Fcnwick was thanked for coor- drnatu-rg the fall [air entries. \lcw Sign were discussed and it was decided to buy a large and small display Sign. ‘ BRUCE COUNTY \iulunteers Vision and reality was lilt‘ theme for the fall tally of Bruce County Women s institute illTlVEl’iOl'L V 7 Each attending branch answered the roll call ‘I‘Your most important vo.unr lr‘t‘t actirity" and handed in their chequer tor the Adelaide lloodlchs Homestead Museum. District preSldcnl Linda Frerhui'gsr was chairperson for thc duy. ‘ Doreen Macndanr rcnd the t'rnancrul report All the groups were i’tlltiil'tllllr <_‘E h lated on helping raise $3.500 for the outdoor education centre in Oliphant. _ Carmen Farrell was this year‘ s recip- ient of the W] 4-H scholarship. Her mother Fran accepted the award on her behalf because Carmen is attendi ing school in Guelph Judy McKinnon spoke on preserving Bruce County 'IlNcedsmuir histories It was decided to photocopy each branch’s “veedsmuir histories and a fund-raising campaign will be set up to help cover costs of this process. ’ Ruth Schlacht from home and com- munity support senrices of Grey Bruce spoked about the services provided by the organization and how WI branches or members could help i Doreen MacAdam and Gurine Weber described the Associated Country Women of the World convention they attended in Hamilton in June. There were 68 flags flying. representing the countries involved with the conven- tion. The delegates attended workt shops based on the conference theme “volunteers make visions a realityâ€. A No years ago there was a request for quilt squares to be sent to Thunder Bay The squares were made into eight quilts and several pillows to be raffled off at the ACWW convention. This was a huge success with 366 squares sub mitted from eight different countries: The raffle raised $4.725 and several lo- cal Wl members won awards for their own individual quilt square. SPRINGMOUN'I' Dessert and tea before the Septem1 ber meeting of the Springmoun't Women‘s Institute was used as a coffee break for thc Alzheimer Society of Grey Bruce. Almost $800 was collectrv ed. The president June Sparling welx comcd cvervonc to the meeting and‘ read the thought for the day called good thoughts Ten members answered the roll call Name a member country in ACWW. Springmount Wl earned $102 from its sale i.rlrle at the Hottest Garage Sale Under the Sun in downtown Owen Sound. Lors Olmsted gave the report of the Grey County rally Sheila Lanihrinos informed the rally that she is the editor ol a Grey County 2002 calender being made to celebrate the 150m anniver- sary rit' rh.» Crnrrrty (li‘Glt‘y It will be a special keepsakc remembrance high- lighting the work of women and the county Women's Institutes. Branches lurw lii'r'li ink-d [U submit picturcs and articles for the calmdai. Sprtrigintrunt \M won it first and [Mid pillt’ trt the Owen Sound Fall l‘uu Jtiiic Sparlrnn r-mr tittli prim lot the kill It block she cut at! rn ll‘lt- provin cinl quilt I‘lut‘ix L‘Ol‘llpt‘lllifl’] trt Iiit' .»‘rC\\M' crinfrlrr‘nti- rrr Hamilton Institute makes donation- to Guelph headquarters Mrm Cuiluiiglil \yclr united I0 \Vulkci'ltm Institute rncrrrbcrs January 1 them all a good silence for M' u lnglis and Audrey Ruiirig. who ptiSM'Li away. Roll tall wast swcrcd by bringing something pc tun- ing to n qurli. preferably old Marg Hadley nurturier that the group give a dunn- V ' iron in Guelph li in honor u! M Bruce and O y county are l\\’ll|l||i_l with Now ansnn‘k. BI‘UL‘L‘ Cameron. lur'iitci'ly from Wtilkurttni. dontilcd 4‘ th-etlsuurir scrap hook in the Wullrcrttm lnsliiulc. Marit- Cartwright read an tulrclc on the first evening institute meeting in I947 tuitl Mary Wand tcud tin trrlrtlc on the Count) ol Bruce General Hospital Southline WI to WI.†donate quilt to CT Scanner prize calendar Members ofthe Southlinc WI amved at the home oi Joan Hundi on September 12. happy to be back for thc ï¬rst meeting after the sum- mer ht‘lidnys Prcsrdcnl Eugenia Zettlor welcomcd the 14 members Phyllis Poechman sharcd a spiritual reading. “Prayer in Faith " A minulc srlcncc wrth thoughts and prayers to the VlL‘llmS and families ol the U.S. tragedy was observed. l Joan Ernowcin introduced lguest speaker Barbara Fox rrom the Owen Sound Alzheimer Society Slrc cxpluincd that Alzheimer disease is a degenerative brain disorder that destroys vital brain cells The iscasc usually begins with small changes in a person's behaviour and memory. Eventually it affects all aspects of a person‘s liic- thc abilily to think. under- stand, remember, communi- cult: and perform simple tasks. Shc made us aware that there are support groups for Crrcy-Erucr: counties for caregivers to obtain more information and receive help in under- standing this disease. Members have decided to donate a quill to the CT Scanncr print: calendart Clean up of the South Line Road is schadulcd for Saturday. Oct. 13 at 1 pm. Each member is reminded In bring n gift lo Ihc lich meeting for the Tonnie Table at the Walkerton Community Arena craft sale on October 20. The chonvcntion will be held in Durham on October 23. Councillor Webb talks Citizenship with local institute thlLr-i'ton Institute had lunch at recently. Newman \. followed by rt meeting Mar} Wand turd the Iliii'lllic‘\ til the last nieclr ing The roll call was trnmcrcd urtlr "Why 1 am proud to he a Canadian " lieu Brirphy of the Sullsllirlt' Conn-nim- icpoilcrl she htrti writ irllL' turd Mary ic'pirrlctl on (in rrr-rlitriic ttlliH or iron rr' illliiltllli \ t Illr'Jirti rt llrr Salvation Army was taken up The he quilted this wtnter. was disâ€" timed Guest speaker Audrey Webb discussed “Citi'IL-nshrp.“ Marie reported the group rccurvcd second prim for the institute dlelliy art the Little Roynl Fair and second lot tilt: quill \ullrplL‘S q l‘t-rrrnr-s irir friendship 9 v2' .Urimw n