Walkerton Young Women's Evening WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 6, [2000] - [2001], p. 24

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l , y Ufl\\.l Elmwood WI members warned about scam artists posing as charities vlmnl rm min limo ixllllvl u ill low it in W n it R sill nil-m ., Wm 1.1., Holmium, l‘ mime llllllml hi in mm \,~~wl~~ in. ,1 i innit ninth w» “minors lllfilllllll' \\'ililu-l vl llll \llelr'n lll‘ lull lim‘llllll. It‘ll llllilll It‘ll It I nit-nthers in the |ln\ mu ,\l,ir\ thou-n ilw woolly 'l ll lllll mutt ll-ll it ,\l.u tonnmonn ,ilmnx ,n.n loom .lllrl I‘lHlIlll'l I'l \go hold in illl'llllloil li‘lll'h llll \ loving li.l~\l'l l,llll’.ir\' Tho lmlli tilllllili‘ll‘s llll‘ Ht 1 n Ill]l\ \lml nl wt. in e ,‘t I n e l\ll.lll1' ‘li'li‘llnin Nil 1" nllli tinil inn‘lllu '\\‘li.ll |-. n I. .u a .‘l (.lllliilul; t \ltl .l ‘MHlllol‘ oil' \lirllllllm M‘llxl'I .l - ~ ’ 1"o u or Al to l t ltli Howii" ll‘il n t}, l'llt’ \Cllieh gnsrzrut'e '[oonshlp ol \\‘lwl 'Mu n-t l'alln" tout ‘\‘i'oni Ill .\iar\ Stewart Bv Imvfidlm gun resarillrgtltl’ lliiix-rs’ illlt‘ wow ], LN \ll 11' Colecl. tol» ' ‘ lLoinlnuuli .\tlt“~.‘l owl 1n lm .o\~.'ed bv Program] and lull l' ,\ tlr‘llllll l,ini ll '.\'l\ wriorl liDevotions readbi‘ illt'iltllt’l was listed lo M {F} («lill timoh- yt‘ltl ,i sin lul llill Linda. talent from Leviticus cnapter Eli. verses 1712 Minutes of last month's meet» mam Diem anisiinsru‘uw Third annual meeting held BY PAT CALHOUN Special to SCN On Thursday, May 25. the third annual meetin was held in the Elmwoo Community Centre with 124 members attending. The host branches were Solway Southline Brant, South Saugeen, Tara and Remain The theme of the meet- ing was caring and shar- “‘i‘ resident Lois Freiburger presided tor the meeting and Toos King'ma gave the welcome. ‘ Roll call was answered ‘by the district directors Annua l. articles for the Erland Lee Home to sell during the )2 summer months at the? Lee. Secretary-treasurer Doreen MacAdam did the ratification of the district directors, gave the min- utes of last year's annual, the financial statement, donations and correspon- dence reports. Committee reports were given by public relations ofiicer Pat Calhoun, educa- tion co-ordinator Donna Ward, resolutions Anna Farrow, curator Judy MacKinnon, tartan Marie llammell. scholarship _i. rt .l .Edna McCarrell, museum semi a holtlt‘ oi iellv or rent \i'ilh llologa'es lo llil‘ l‘isliitt Residents are being warned “E "W / nan/qr ta (:Wr Fm a s: presenting their money for (595 District il’ennies for Friendship and on Page 27) ” Freiburger: president Linda Preiburgcr, fu'st vice president Betty Anne [Continued from Page 22) Thompson. second vim Marion SchlorlT, safety officer Michelle Phillipi. roots of Bruce Linda Frciburgcr Guests were introduced by Linda Freibur er. At this time Lois Fro' ur or presented C ilT Buckingham with a plamre in honor oiliis 27 years as treasurer ol‘ the Tartan Committee, also Marie Hammell and Mary Zie ler presented a gift on be all nitho Bruce County Tartan to the retiring treasurer. The guest speaker was Yolanda Cameron, funeral director from Walltcr‘ton. She gave a very informa- live talk oi her work to; a funeral director and answered many questions. She also gave pam hlets telling of how to don with _ death and funerals. A memorium service was given and deceased member's names were read from the past year. The Rogional Scholarship was presented to Christonc I’arr ll from i Ripley lly lidna Mt-turreu. Board director Fran ‘ Farrell ave a I'ow high- lights of ast months board meeting. She also conductâ€" ed the election of officers. ‘&Jv~grc§i§fiflt __ Lois president Gunne Weber, and secretary~troasurer Doreen MacAdam. Some new businesses are included an In Memorium Book be pur- chased for the district and i be in the hands (tithe sot:- retary. Any branch that has a deceased member is to send the name ttnd the branch name to the snowy tary. The second new busi‘ . ness is that Gillies Hill Branch presented Marion SchlorlT the museum I‘r‘p- l_ resentative with a che ue llt‘lll nnlm nd lillllil Tl‘iltl llt‘\l lliolilhs lilti- pmm \\'lllt it will he lll‘ltl lune 151 at T p m (ll the l il‘liil'l Southline WI meets Darlene Wucchler huslr ed the June meeting at the South-lino Women's institute with sixteen members and one guest attending, Tonia Kengnia read an inspiring poem, "ll's llu- Givu'ig". Minutes and reports were given including the recent DistrictAnnual meeting in Elmwood The first roadside clean» up of the Southrline sec- tion of road the W.I. has recently adopted was very successful. “Many hands make light work." Signs are ready and will soon appear to indicate the area {or which the W.1 is responsible. An invitation was received to attend a lun- cheon al Participation Lodge on July 6. It is extended to those who make donations to the Annual Quilt Auction, Members were reminded of the WI. Annual Craft and Hobby Fair in Southampton on Brantâ€"GreenocK WI memfiers get 1nf0rmat10n Vials The Brant~Grccnock [0 help “’5wa [he as Women'slnslilulcholdlhcir cabin tit tin: museum an they challenged other branches to do the some thi year ‘ a third new busin . is that it was suggustl‘ , that a short report be‘ given by committee meni- ers at the annual meeting and a printed report bt‘l given to oarh lirnnrh ‘Retiring president Lois was presented with a gift by Linda and Betti Anne. Courtesies for t 6 day were given by Dolly Anne. Some roming ovean is the Grr“, drum area cons volition on Get. It at the Chesloy Community Centre. The Bruct‘, County rally is on Oct: 26 In r! 'l'lverton. meeting on March 13 at the ironic of Angeline Wallace A report 01' lllL‘ Brute County Dislriel planning mcellng, which had been ,held March 1, was pivt . The hr‘dllL’ll is in th the morning toilet: and mul'fins, plus a door prch :Iml a Wild [loner arrange- ment tor the DiklilL‘lAnnuLll to ho liL‘lli Ma) 14 I11 Ellwood, 'l‘hc lutllts were given draw tickets to soil for lhc Distiitl, Proceeds limit the draw” will be given to 'l'hursday, July (7. Pia were made tor members to have u Family Pot Luck plt‘nlt‘ on August 6. We will also enter an exhibit oi the Hanover Fair in September 1 It was decided that we [alts part in the Silver Bells Craft Show n: lllrl Wulkcrton Legion Ilall on , October ll. l Gail Poechman gavel highlights of n recent trip across the wzstorn provinces to BC. includ~ ing a visit lo NIKKCI‘ Museum and Inlermcnl Memorial Gardens in New l Denver. BC. In 19421 Japanese residenls wcrci evacuated from the coast of BC, brought inland to ‘ small towns during the war â€" Ncw Denver being one of these towns. Members brought a vane ely of items for Silent Auction lo raise funds In our treasury. Thought “Thcre is nothing permanent except change." upgrade the Outdoor Education Centre. The ladies decided to sell pies and draw tickets for a three-hour tum: period at the upcoming Snugccn Home and Recreation Expo in Waltcrion April 54, will’lllil Hollands lhltl pm- pllrcd information Vlnls for Koch member to hand out to tours in the area. These Hill‘s l’ith a form to fill in twinning pmonnl modical inlnrmaoon. They are to be available to help emergency personnel time is unable to communitutu. A sticker would also he placed at the _ I 7 A, g1 CH home's cntrancc so 911 respondents would know the occupant had a vial in their home. in tho spirit of St. Patrick's Day, the roll calls was to lcll an Irish loltc. LClLllES outbid each other lor the baking anrl treasures members had Suppllcd for the bring: and buy auction. The capable auctioneer was Vrrnn Sewers Hollands read it oihute to Women's institute from lllt: Regional Country magazine announcing the upcoming Associated Country Women 01' the World cont'urentt- in :1 do; Hamilton June ll-IB. Birthday cake was served to help Stella Hoffath cele, ‘ brute 80 years ‘ r Mafia" 1 l l

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