Walkerton Young Women's Evening WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 6, [2000] - [2001], p. 25

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Z - 'nn-Lsd v. March 21. 2000 Lip LG -_ ’z; Bruce County Women’s Institute district direotor’s meeting 3v PAT CALHOUN ipcoial to SCN The Kinioss Community Icntrc was the location of he Bruce County Women's nstitutc distrlct directors nueLing of the March 2. The meeting was hosted )y Reid‘s Corners and :dvnr Lake branches. Institute president Lois iroiburger welcomed :voryone. There were 31 rrztnches were present out if 35. lnstitutc secretary/tran- .urer Doreen MacAdam 'ead the minutes of the ast meeting. gave the reasures report and cor- ‘espondence. A letter was received Women‘s fnstttutes m’ofitafioi‘k’ee’rt toimake a difference’ Ono bundrcd and three rs ago hursc and buggy s the transportation of 'chnicc and a community mccltnp nun; the best, and maybc thc only plan: to acquire ncw inl’onnalion In rural Ontario. today Wl incinbrn lrtucl the breadth of our cnunu'y and Even our globe by planc to meet for cnntcrcnccs and fellowship. and they are becoming as Cnmfiirluhl: with e-mail and Ihc lntcrnct as their lcchie sons and daughters. grand- sons and granddaughters. Thc Wl websrle wuwl‘yuoonra is vuitcd by rcadcrs Worldwide. Now many \l'l members no Iongur rely on a phone call for non. .\ ltust (if c-mails caoh morning connects lhctu mtlr Ulhcrs across Ihc pl‘m‘llttSL‘ the counln and (Gull iilt': ihcr lTu: ncilrly l but ulti' nmkc up 111L- Fctlcrutcd Wuan ' “Hutu-cs ut Dntanu arc tut-n it‘ll-H as their predc, \[u in uurc ll).x ycars ago l\ilt'll Mind and Janet Lcc anti \liCiflldL‘ Hunter Htmtllcw laid down the can \lllulmll 0| \Vnmnn‘s lntutum at a first-cvcr Iuccllng 3"?“‘190 by 101 women [I] Sluney Crack, 0mm” in l897. Thc CtiUL‘lelOllai pmgrayn; nntutcd lu promolc Sara PllsrCUlllUd milk for bailif'y ,md mt tlrcn hark In ‘Jtc tum utilimcnlurt arc hClng today it. ; Womcn's Ulll) lilt‘l'l‘- m n mml Julcmlcd from Marion Schlorll with \regards to events at the Bruce County Museum March 15 was Pioneer Day and members volun- teered to do sewing for some of the exhibits. Also there will be a Dinosaur exhibit at the museum this summer. Provincial board direc- tor Fran Farrell gave a report on happenings at the board. Every branch received a video on the literacy pro- gram and shev announced at the area conventions this year there would be workshops on Needsmuir and member- ship. Roots of Bruce will be Institutes of Ontario's (FWIOl new Hcallh Program, being irnplcmcnl- ed provinccrwtde during 1000 & 2001.Thc program. fundcd by Ministry of Health / Women‘s Health Council. Wlii be providing FWIO members and rural Ontario women with access to vital health information Featuring the rcsourccs of FWlO's Health Partners (listed below). community workshops will be delivered in rural .rummunities throughout Ontario, and organized and hosted by participating WI Branches Branches will receive sub- stantial supptirl through Lcadcrship Training. an event planning kit and pro- motional matcnal. which \vrll , stiltclr pinning acuvuim Tim program prmrdo rtunwruus hcn:l' l.\ NHL uni} \\ lii u tncruusc ll\\‘.lrt‘l'r‘»\ Ui nupumn: health issues. it “til prnvtdu resources in IllLlL‘llllll‘l :mtl rrcatrncnt ul uncaxr and health problems, \\‘httl| \Hii flSShl ll‘l tnlprinmg "Ac hcallh of women and their families lrvtng in rural Ll‘lll' ntunrltt‘s. On another lmnl Hi: It) will cmtttnuc lhc 109*) intlmllvc to Join furrow uh th‘ llPP's Phoncbuslcr tit‘purll'nt‘ltl It. cdutatc cmumuvulics Jhmll the dangers ul Ill'umml luv and cmutmnrrl \Jl\lfL‘\\ tram falling t'rc'un tn lL‘IClll.Ifi\Cl mg [rJUli \Vl mrmhcn hut littu 2|CLL'\\ in held April 11-13 of Grade 6 students and they are expecting 988 children to attend. Once again. the Institutes are serving a hot meal each day to the volunteer workers. Mary Ziegler reported for the Tartan Committee, Lois Freiburger will attend the [7ch in Manitoba in June of this year. The committee for the district annual which will be held May 25 in Elmwood are Solwa . South Line Brant, Sou Saugeen. Tara and Teeswaten The Roll Call for the annual meeting is for each branch to bring an article cvcr mindful of their ability In illi’lily gmcrnmcm m cm- alc change in both commu~ mly and country starting back at thc turn-ot’»thc»ccn» Iury with such baslc funda» mental Issues as having milk pastounzcd and having bread wrapped; then white lines down the centre of provincial highways FOR lMPROVED SAFETY ON ROADS; music In school cumculum (1937): legal age for marriage at 16 years with parental consent (1937); traffic to halt when school buscs stop to pick up and drop off children “962). In niur: rcccnt limes Wl‘s efforts to cnl'orcc such issues as handtcappcd purkr ing rcgulattonllghSl AND TO PROMOTE: MORE lundmg lur mud. hat'c bccn rccngnt/cd by our pollllrmrh Bcltvtc humor mg an lâ€"\\ lU rumlulmn ouch stuc ul .r‘nr‘t‘rn Is div CU\\CLJ and ‘Vm't‘sxr‘d lmm l BlJlLil lt W! DINifIkL \\'l \ch in W] lobbying lerdll‘r’tlnr and iron prcA suited to l‘WlO hiin lur :lppraull am] aurun Grtissruutx-htrscd. WI lub» i")’lf|g t‘tlllilnut“ to \van to prolecl lhc families and curnmunttlcx of OlllLll'lu HVlO rmmhcn arc hthy til .2 lutal lcxrl m IMO is .tl .i pmmtml lrwl .le wllult‘tsr Illcrc In .1 than» llml ulllllllllllll} \llii ‘WUllL’lrll llnm \\'l nlclllr Clnldrcn in In inc us In lx‘ pl.“ l'tlL‘lll)‘ ‘khtltli\ \L'llli'H for the Erland Lee Home which will be sold It) n‘sitm‘s who are visiting the burnt. The Lruasurer asked for a cheque from the branch to be sent along with the Brant-Grccnock Women‘s lnsututc met all lhc home of Claudia Taylor on March l4, President Lois Freiburger opened the meeting With a poem regarding thc fickle, chang- tng weather in March. A report of [hu ruccnl Bruce County Dislricl Director's meeting rcmrndy ed the members they are asked to donate small crafts and jars of preserves in be sold at the Erland Lcc Museum dunng the sum, mer of 2000. Wanila Hollands gavc latcst highlights of the nursing homes. hospital patients, adults wnh rcading problems. arc liltcly tocxpc~ rtcncc the friendly smtlc. lhc helping hand or the skills of :1 WI member. Craft shows. health fairs lundruistng. cntcrtainmcnl. WI mclnbcrs are busy in their communrr lies. Women's InSlllLllfs. born [03 years ago in Ontano. i.\‘ now a national OrngLCliKll'l and Federated Women‘s Institutes of Canada (FWIC) reflects a national viewpoint for WI members. and mem- bers Canadarwtdc wtll gathr or in Brandon. Manitoba Ihis June: for lhcir Triennial Cunvcntron. On a global scttchI mem- bers are also nrcmhcrs of Aguctatcd Country Women of thc World lAC\\'\\‘l and Hunt trill iJhL Adullllupc nl Lilt‘ uppunumly Iu mccl IILL‘ Imndcd mum-:1 Irum around Illc \u rld .u ll c AC\\‘W ,‘1 TIIcIIIIIal ClllliClL'llL'C tn hc rich] in Hamlllun tn Junc ol llllll lu continue inc wort gran. ed 103 )‘Clil'k ago WI branrhu» ,rru mutt); l'l nccd of any numbcrs whu wrll Sharin The Stems. for the Bruce County Rally this year will be “life Is Like a Garden”. The mooring will be held Oct. 26 in Tivrzrtnn Community Centre. lunch break the commit tees yvorkcd in group: planning thr upcoming meeting for the year. Adamsville rind Allenford will be hostess for the next district direc- numher attendin the The committee will be t ' ' ' dinner for the district Tivertnn. Underwood. 2%r81.mee“ng m Mnflh annpal. The theme will Walknrton. Mllisnral‘t. The mcolin was again be Caring and Zion Amabcl. During the adjourned by Fromm-gar, Group gives htoâ€"Women’s House BRANT- GREENOCK WI | provincial magazine “Home and Country". Shc also challenged cach mcm- her to lake purl in a "Gas Out“ campaign against the high price or fuel. The request Is for drivers to avoid fueling up from April 7-9. 2000, as “a silent way to have our voices heard against rising fucl prices. Answers to the roll call, "Something New You Have Triad,"rcvcaletl thc ladrcs have been busy with new rcctpcs, new computer May with spring The Wolkcrton W'omcn'x inslllulc mcl at the library on Tuesday. May 9. Prcsidcnt Maric Cartwright opcncd lhc mcctrng Wllh a spring poem. Minute: of thc last mcctr mg wcie read by secretary Marg Wand. In April. the group had Dislrrcl President Luls Fricburgcr install their offl- ccrs for 20002001. Shc also answered questinns The group received it thank you card lrnrn Ihc Kamnavxk group, Ninc members and three vvsrlors were proscnt for the plant :xchangc which was Local Evening Scum mcmbcrx ol the Walkcnun hvcmng institute bring ncw cncrgy. ncn incl in the library. lune ll Insights and Sklli> in mum ‘ Frcsltlt‘lll Mun: Citrtunghl Med lot a prcscnt nrcmhcn Tn leam l rnurc .rhmlt l-WIO contact FWlU other ll’l Guclph at 5l9r'36-lll7Â¥_ l-AX Slur Imnulc or allcmc Iur Luclh laylnr. “no rm nu- w n»? my mam-r mcmlm or lhc m mm or until! yruugv .mit tliwl in mm; runmuunitt .m u. ‘ nlrrnl‘crs “nu u-u ll duc in Inl't‘tcl tum l\\ with nit-r um “mm...” .S'rrlmm/m M 3/, 7 llmm u t ’â€"I I't‘dunm rl Im/lmlut .v Ummm WZLKERTON w meeting opened technology and new ways to combat nmlcs in flower beds. Each person brought items I0 sell for 21 "Bring and Buy" auction, Vcrnu Scwcrs capany auctioned the muffins, tca bib uits. pres and other items. It was agrccd to donate $50 from [he procccds tn the Women‘s House of Bruce County. Tbc annual rncctlng (including a pol luck lunch) will be held April 8. poem part ol lhc roll call. The instilutc will Join thc museum In Southampton for unuthcr year. Each nicmbcr wrll mukc a quill block ovcr Ihc sum' mcr. ll) put lugclllcr tur Parrictpatiun Lodge, The Royal Farr display will be dccidcd in lunc, The June I] Incctlng will be an tinting to the Glcn Farm\ llcrh Gardcn. A garage solc bake and pro- duce loblc IS lacing held on May 37 at I20 Colbournc Sl. Wolkcrltm, ll a.rn.-l pm. The Scptcmbcr 12 mcclr lug will feature a pot luck lunch at 12:30 I) m, Institute meets Roll call as a favoritc flowcr, Minutes were read by Mary Wand Jancl Emdigcur reported on the annual mccnng Yolanda Carmth was Ihc gucst \Puuhur Tlic lall lmmhmu om ducuswd Margarcl Hcliit'y‘ tmcd lunch

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