'TH“ County school board an asset PETERBDRHUGH County warden Howard Darling speak» rnthuslnsticnlly when dimming um, public school lvimlll for [he county‘ diet- tilt: Jail. 1, Mil H0 wllu lllll‘ llf its Prime snppn um. ln council during debate of the ~ward and play ed a strong l‘fliL‘ in lhe But come of lhc final vote. Probably the greatest asse’. OI [he board Sal's lhe warden, is its eliminsllnn oi mllnir‘inal hnlll’ldal‘lFS ial' vducatinn llur~ p . thus alfï¬ftinE 1 great <2“le in ll'allsnni‘taliun (WNW and providing lui' lielter aIIA mund ndlninlsllallon. More efficient * ) Referring to lhe Problem 07 ’~ his awn township of nnmmnr he Said "It‘s ndiculous hav- in); children unlv a few miles From Warsaw fullllic V‘hnnl liming in travel many more miles to Col'cnallnu Sthnol wimply because they live in Dunn) TlHVnShlfl “I can't see where illlS is nlaking much of a conlrlhu- lion [0 edllcalinn " Oppnslliull lo th- board in council came from the north- arn townships and Warden Darling explains [his is lie- causr of their high cutlage nypulallon and low number of whom! children. Coannenily ‘(lntahun costs are not high. HOWARD DARLING Favors new board "Admlniatrfllinn will be much more EIIlClEnL We had 13 separale school areas be- low, with five pcnnle on each fll'Fa linilrll , . lhal's 75 people I don’t see how you can have good administration With that number †'l‘lle tmvilslllp system also llmlled the perspective or the trustees. says Mr. Darling. but now they will gain insight WW... gnml in teaching one subject and nut good in the others she teaches under the nnea‘uom school system, she Will have the chance to spend more time on her best subject under the graded-school set-up. This. oi course. will he better for the Chfldlen too." Patience needed Warden Darling furs-sees a need [or natlence in the ini~ tial period of adjustment far the new board. especially ln ‘ the area of board representa- tiun in which the nine trustees must realize they represent the entire county and not .lhcir respective townships. “But as long as you make changes, lhere will be contro- Versy. Ynu can sit still and be a wonderful fellnw, but what are you accomplishing? "Sure. there will he susplc» ions at first, liul once they (the lruslees) P'Zet lo know one another and work mgether as a team, these will disappear." What next [or Ihe county? “I would like to see a Cuunr ty planning board now that we have the school board. This would make fur proper location of new schools in ac- cnrdance with the best adminâ€" istration from a counly stand- point. “A planning board could see the pmhlems of the entire in}. s “Under the county board. to |he problems (if the entire cnunty whereas tnw nship ,. syslenl‘ lhcy will pruhahly caunty. bnards are only aware and i pay mm: {or education. . V Elimination of the one-room worried about the problem as i i but they wul also derive schools will result in a higher iv. altects their own townships. ‘ .le many more beneï¬ts which calibre of teaching he says. "I think this is the next "If a teacher is specially mv. m- are county." \y couldn't get before. if, HOWARD DARLING WITH MODERN MILKING MACHINE .7"; I There are almost 100 head of cattle ‘on his {arm