Mr. W. Prime oi the Lakel‘ield Imperial Bank presents Charles The special awards for HL'ilth‘nllC excellence and coniribulimi to school spirit “are high lighted by Charles Frankish, who won a total of eleven awards. including lhzii «il' Htlk‘LllC' ioriani Hz: stressed in his "see yourself Cor VerhorenV the owner oi Lukeï¬eld Home Bakeries, received a special order from the Lukctield College Boy Schnal. Mr. 'Verhoven who makes an the average, 120 birthday cakes a year. for students uelehr» ating birthdays at the cullege. received a call from the schonl last week ordering another birthday cake. This order was different [mm the other 120 orders that he last name was given. But it is safe to assume the cake wus fnr Prince Frankish with the Valurlil‘tnrian award. speech. that siiut'css was possible “ht-n tlb‘iCL‘lllt’s were set and maximum effort was expanded “Urklng toward» them. He also maintained that Conï¬dEl‘lL‘U was required and a student should. - in achieving , 5:an .. :n “L. Andrew. Why. because on Saturday. the Prince celebrated his llirillda). and the school asked that it rend “Happy Birthday Andrew“. The Leader dropped in on Mr. Voeren on Friday to record on ï¬lm the linking and making of )1 royal birthday L'nlle. The Printe will have missed the who though -- he spent his hirthdny in Toronto attending a World ’lennis match at the CNE. Best in hocke Xi» 2% seen of Warsaw Best wishes to the Warsaw Juveniles who won their series 3 mil «if 5 “till 'lhnrntoii. All our llExl imw guys for the tin: . On Sunday night I saw the best hockuy in a long lime at Warsaw arena. ll starth Wlil’t a rough last gums- between the War~ saw and Norimud Atoms, the 9 and 10 year olds. \lnruuud won thth gameS ~ 3. Then in the main event the Warsaw chlmcn and the Warsaw Flyer: took to the ice. The puck went flying in all directions with at least twu being ill! and probably several in L'lulllng me. JUSI missed. Wayne ï¬dfurd scrier ï¬rst for Ihe Rednien, the Flycr; evened it and then Wayne suurcd again. quickly {allowed by an other by the Flyers. And thzit [S the way it went all night, Each time one team Scored the other evened it. Ray Clifford and Rick Fame made other markr ei‘s hit the Rednieii hut it was a goalic's night with both Ted McMillan for thC Redmen and the Flyer's Dougie Erault giving it all they had Cari Darling rm the Fllt‘rs [llll tn the Winning gnal and then Randy Andrews put another into the empty net to give the Flycrs a t: r 4 win A League Trophy was l presented in memory of Nll‘, Russell Tedford who was tin avid hockey fan and wlnuu suns play on both teams. Mrs, Dora icdimd presented the i the Flyers ‘ captain» Terry Hurngan and Mr. Roger Dyer, president of the Warsaw Men’s Hnrkey League presented Terry with the league Trophy. lt um lerrilir‘ hockey bui I must say I don't think it is {air when plavms are tiut [here playing their hearts out ‘ uiul gel slammed against the boards and then the fans grab their sticks m- thcir sncatcrs. And some hr [in language leaves l much to be desired. Let's ‘ trophy in clean the net up. Cinch Stun Ltinsberry. Mgr. Rovden Cooper and trainer Randy Freeburn it wits giiotl trumwnrk. good rcl'erccingi Cungratulay thing to everyone,