w7177/ LLNDSAY (Skill) â€" Spi'lllg Rellcciions (his )car zil ma Fiosl Campus at Sir Sancllord lFleming Cnllcge m Lind, y has an added lullL‘ll Nul mil} are mm: .7:. nim‘t‘s oi arlwm-k pmlmd ll' rm» tmuing educaimn Eludefll: and faclllll'i but over 250 pieces belonging to [he Onta l'ln Crafts Clllll'lLi] Annual (i [l Exhibit and ('i'illulic .\nd a good ponmn o! lhmn are [or ‘sale. I" The dnuble exliilnl m» m ‘filclilll‘ opened Tucsdav mum p """1‘ “Hum shows "In" at l‘NillltllIirrlI’ll‘mlng Cul- “Hum ‘ .‘r‘:“â€â€œ'â€â€œâ€ at Im l'\lll|}ll\. a 1‘3an ""«""FYU~|(‘ "innarlaml I DWH-Ku'llwt‘hflm “Wm H nllrL‘CIam [m so" irr, h) Vu-iur rllalilmrmn \in Julm Eakills. a in r m a. member of Ilie college's board :11 :m-emm; The collevtian is made up a! [me an places from sludem= and Lictu in "IQ L'ullege'x continuing edul'ulillll lllk'lhlflll and mnlains ceramics and pliolugraphy as wellraa ma'w lyst (11' drawing and pamllnu The craft exhibit \Vhii'h m- rliltlcs paintings, wall him: my lape~lri95‘ lluml- (dl'\lll;§. hlalIl-glas5 “min Lui'aiuics and 11‘ w :1 l | r- i y :ï¬ï¬‚ms éï¬ï¬â€˜f‘éï¬ï¬‚iï¬ ulm-h ilpl‘ned Tumia al ilir i'ullegr. Mr Mmam lem'luw pulli-n- at the millage. crafl Mliihil. 5pmâ€,- “I'fll'l mini. rim um um nl nwrv r’rp hrllmgs m a mmpnmmn In he Juilswl lea} lesnimlzl ilallmnen, .\a;wy Lou Patterson auslslanl pm lessor of Fine Art al \lialcrlun Uni CJ'H'IC. and V a ll ,2 ll ll smart or Sl 'l‘hmniis whn l5 3 hilldlu pollcr and umrm u The Iwn Buii‘uls aâ€? hnuwd side by mi: and air? upull rm through Salurrlax. ulnz education .rnm nl Campus. Kalil Gal'- l‘l‘ll \Lllli lli‘ hill lhl‘ llllllill} ul rhe mm Ella pines ol ari h plivnuiiK-llal 'l :n‘. a imamilul Il‘Er n’ Lllargy ll’l the mem- hCl' nnmcs and assui‘ialion mnnilwri ale Ionkmg allPr Im- weekend activities including a Saiurilay ancmoml hulfei. by lv .l urn- As “ell. “ii: is CDIIlinuiiiz i‘:[i\ltflilofl Week in Lind=ai‘ will :lie llimnn. nl'l in [he L'l‘lll a; Fanshaue College in Lmi- 37““d’.‘?“““: "‘3‘ a†“i "' i‘ muniiy will prelali Thurmay (lon‘ Onlarm. rdwmm \m m, mm [mm1130a,m.1011ldpim,m Irnnz u; ihe lowii hall at ihr cm‘nr“ or kcnl and Cambridgr sun-l- Compellllon is {01‘ [has my; [Mum ul Silllfl ralh, a <n Salldiol‘d Fix-"mg C n l l r i r purchase award M 2: mm M slim lion] Hit: 1): . - lel: L‘nunril. .\‘-\0Llall0" ha» nla d an ar» iii? l'l‘iL’ lli lil“l 'lll llix‘ lan- nul limarm L' H; i-iiunull c\- Ilihil lu lil'irl _\ |iIl\ _'l‘lll' immnunillnm lm liiv mmng armrs was m’i'angvd \\'lii IN' lllhll mini \1 ill be MI Nli'h imikilll: (lumimmm‘ied and Adeline Gaillinz ieces in exhibit ; hand to dcnmnmale Pullel'y‘ mm, alnng wim Barbanl Hams and her weaving and lichen Daniels illustrating “and Earring. Miss Gaining will reach Cl‘l'Ilmk‘S for Youth this [all in. Gal‘l’ell says there l5: unl) one summer course this i. real: 3 lhi'cerweek daylime‘ program in biblical sludies running from July 5 lo 23, 'llupclully um summer lilel" ‘M" be more caurses,“ he \ii' and adds that it's d! l-mrc sninrlhing Huey" nmILin; mi I z i