DERWENT SCHOOL - 3 In 1954 bought 60 stacking chairs, and during the summer a furnace room was added to back of school with oil furnace. 1111956 special black board lights were installed, sink and kitchen cupboards put in one end of the furnace room. In 1959 swings and teeter-totters for school yard were supplied. In 1960 the chemical toilets were rernnved and rooms off vestibule made into storage rooms; space at south end of the furnace room made into 3 small wash rooms with flush toilets and wash basil-ms, also a teachers‘ room. In 1963, a new air vent system was put on the school; and new joists and vinyl tile floor laid and new desks purchased. 1950 - MRS. ETHEL FISHBACK, Teacher Back Row: Audrey Beattie, Lynda Beattie, NormdScott, Doris Reid, Rodger (left to right) Miners, Beverley Harrington, Martha Harrington, Tom Jenken, Alex Litt, Ron Dodds Mrs. Fishback, Teacher Front Row: Annette Rice, Brenda Harrington, Sheila Smith, Douglas Reid, Jackie Litt, Richard Jenken, Ken Yeoman, Ernie Harrington, Ray Miners, Keith Miners /7 /